John Winkelman · @johnwinkelman
74 followers · 237 posts · Server

This morning while browsing the 'Shop I came across a reference to Ashby's Law of Requisite Variety, and a few minutes of research has loosened the top of my skull a bit. I have vaguely studied cybernetics off and on over the past decade, but somehow had not heard of Ashby. Now I need to re- and re--re- think some things, particularly in the context of WIlhoit's Law. And don't bother thinking that cybernetics haven't long been applied to politics.

#cybernetics #AshbysLaw #wilhoitslaw

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
1996 followers · 14495 posts · Server

Most fields have only a few laws.

I've been diving into over the past few days, guru of the 1970s-90s. His concepts of of , and of get toward this. Notably, a model should be as simple as possible, but no simpler (Einstein).

An overly complex model invites

Breakthroughs in domains occur where an accumulation of many complex rules can be discarded for a small set of simpler ones. Physics: Newton on gravity, motion, and optics. Chemistry: Mendeleev on chemical elements (valance electrons and atomic masses), Biology: Darwin and evolution (and genetics and DNA). Geology: Wegener and plate tectonics. Information; Shannon. Computer science: Turing & Church.

The social sciences have been approached repeatedly by their core truth but to date have rejected it.


#StaffordBeer #cybernetics #AshbysLaw #RequisiteVariety #ViableSystemsModel #overfitting

Last updated 4 years ago