The Mauryan Empire (322 BCE - 185 BCE) supplanted the earlier Magadha Kingdom to assume power over large tracts of eastern and northern India. #History #Arthashastra #AshokatheGreat #EdictsofAshoka
#edictsofashoka #AshokaTheGreat #Arthashastra #History
A stupa is a reliquary containing the remains (relics) of an individual associated with great spiritual power and insight, most often (since the 3rd century BCE) with the Buddha (l. #History #AshokatheGreat #Borobudur #Buddhism
#buddhism #borobudur #AshokaTheGreat #History
Ashoka the Great (r. #History #AshokatheGreat #Buddhism #EdictsofAshoka
#edictsofashoka #buddhism #AshokaTheGreat #History
The Mauryan Empire (322 BCE - 185 BCE) supplanted the earlier Magadha Kingdom to assume power over large tracts of eastern and northern India. At its height, the empire stretched over parts of modern Iran and almost the entire Indian subcontinent, barring only the southern peninsular tip. The empire came into being when Chandragupta Maurya stepped into the vacuum created by Alexander of Macedon... #Arthashastra #AshokatheGreat #EdictsofAshoka
#edictsofashoka #AshokaTheGreat #Arthashastra