Listening to Sen. Fetterman talk about his experience with depression, I recalled the way Doris Kearns Goodwin profiled Lincoln, Teddy R., FDR and LBJ in her book “Leadership in Turbulent Times.” All four of these remarkable leaders had periods of SERIOUS clinical depression. Lincoln’s friends and supporters removed all objects that could cause self harm from his home!
I was really taken aback by this common thread. #AskforHelp #ClinicalDeoression
#AskForHelp #clinicaldeoression
This week I get a little philosophical about growth. Maybe it's all the Spring flowers, but if it applies to life, it definitely applies to DAMs. #growth #dam #growthmindset #scaling #askforhelp
#AskForHelp #scaling #growthmindset #dam #growth
When passion is not enough
#creativity #artist #passion #followthrough #followthru #support #askforhelp
#creativity #artist #Passion #followthrough #followthru #support #AskForHelp
Morgen ist ein wichtiger Tag für mich. Es geht um meine berufliche Zukunft. Würde mich über positive Vibes freuen. Vielen Dank.
#positivevibes #thankyou #AskForHelp
@Kuun Maybe create some easy to reach for new hashtags... #help #AskForHelp #ItsOkToAskForHelp
#help #AskForHelp #ItsOkToAskForHelp