So what is the current consensus (if any) on choice of fluids for resusc in sepsis. Balanced vs NS? (TBI not considered). SMART, SALT-ED and the NEJM meta analysis towards balanced vs BaSICS' null findings? Any practice changes? @Kidney_boy @hswapnil #askrenal
A 60yo otherwise healthy woman develops #nephrotic syndrome. Only putative trigger: first vaccination w/ Comirnaty 10 days before.
Biopsy shows IgAN with a podocytopathy resembling #FSGS.
Steroids and CNI are not tolerated.
1) how would you label the disease? Primary or secondary FSGS?
2) next treatment? Ritux?
#nephrotic #fsgs #AskRenal #Nephrology
Please boost even if this isn't for you. On Mastodon, favoriting is not like 'liking' on the other site. All it does is it tell the writer you liked it, there is no algorithm.
Trying to reach #KidneyVerse people on Mastodon
#KidneyDocs and #KidneyResearchers
Consider submitting your #KidneyResearch to #CJKHD (Canadian Journal of Kidney Health & Disease)
We have a policy of supportive review. Here's the piece we wrote about the central role of kindness in peer-review…
We aren't here on Mastodon yet but working on it. @CanJKHD at the other place.
#KidneyResearchers #kidneyresearch #KidneyVerse #KidneyDocs #CJKHD #KidneyKindness #kidney #AskRenal
I haven't found a calculator for the new EKFC eGFRcr-cys equation online, so I created a Google spreadsheet: Comments/corrections welcome. Reference: #askrenal
Pt w/ kidney transplant >20y.
Post vac ATCMR, creat >3 mg/dl, proteinurie 2-3g/d.
Hypertension, anemia.
Ultrasound shows regular intrarenal and tx-artery flow, but MRI shows “stenosis”.
What next? #transplant #askrenal #nephrology
#transplant #AskRenal #Nephrology
It's taken me a while to figure out how to write an #Introduction. Here goes:
I’d appreciate a boost to help meet like-minded here.
I’m a professor of medicine at McMaster University #MacDeptMed, #McMasterU
Clinically, I work as a #KidneyDoctor (#Nephrology)
I’m an associate member of #HEI (#Epidemiology) at #McMasterU
I’m a member of the Centre of Excellence in Protective Equipment and Materials (#PPE, #N95, #CEPEM) at #McMasterU
My #ClinicalResearch is in #KidneyDisease #KidneyEpi (#CKD, #Potassium, #CKDProgression) and #Masks
I’m editor-in-chief of #CJKHD (@CanJKHD on the birdsite, not here yet) an #OpenAccess kidney journal with #PublishingPolicy:
#SupportiveReview (#Kindness, #KidneyKindness)
#PortableReview (was your hard work rejected by a journal with IF>=4? Submit clean, redline, point-by-point response-to-reviews, and tell us which journal and undertake that you responded to all reviews received)
I’m editor-in-chief of which curates evidence on #BetterMasks and #MasksWork
For the pandemic, we need #SystemsApproaches because #CovidIsAirborne and #CovidIsNotOver. #DoAllTheThings #ventilation #filtration #PaidSickDays #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #MaskUp #MaskMandate #MaskMandateNow #CovidLong #LongCovid
I’d like to see #KidneyVerse as the tag to find others with interest in #KidneyHealth and #KidneyDisease. #AskKidney #AskRenal
Also trying to be #LGBTQ #LGBTQ2 ally, working on #EDI #equity #diversity #inclusion, interested in #SocialJustice #UrbanPlanning.
Treaty 3|Dish with One Spoon, Turtle Island; Hamilton ON Canada. She/her
#MacDeptMed #KidneyDoctor #Nephrology #HEI #epidemiology #ppe #n95 #CEPEM #clinicalresearch #KidneyEpi #potassium #CKDProgression #KidneyKindness #PortableReview #CovidIsNotOver #DoAllTheThings #ventilation #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskUp #maskmandate #CovidLong #LongCovid #AskKidney #AskRenal #edi #introduction #mcmasteru #kidneydisease #Ckd #masks #CJKHD #openaccess #PublishingPolicy #SupportiveReview #kindness #BetterMasks #MasksWork #SystemsApproaches #COVIDisAirborne #filtration #paidsickdays #lgbtq #diversity #socialjustice #MaskeAuf #maskmandatenow #KidneyVerse #kidneyhealth #lgbtq2 #equity #inclusion #urbanplanning
#NephTwitter does anyone send a templated 'dialysis discharge' to outpatient HD units summarizing hospital treatments when HD patients are admitted? Ex. weight change, access issues, anticoagulation, antibiotics? #askrenal
RT @Kidney_boy
Hey #NephTwitter it is rough running a Twitter bot in the age of Elon. Our #AskRenal bot broke down and it was (at least temporarily) impossible to repair it. @dr_nikhilshah made a new bot. So now you need to follow @Ask_Renal to be part of the amazing question answering network
#AskRenal Anyone consistently using Fresenius/NxStage replacement fluids with PrismaFlex machines or vise versa Baxter/Prisma fluids with NxStage machines?
Heard of this during COVID-related shortages, but is it still ongoing?
Ok. Fine. I’ll toot.
#Introduction I’m Jade Teakell, MD PhD, #nephrologist :renal: in Houston. I’m clinical faculty at McGovern Med School & assoc program director for the nephrology #fellowship @UTKidney 🏫
Interests = home dialysis specifically #PeritonealDialysis, #SDOH in CKD, #Nutrition in CKD, health equity
#NSMC intern 2021 ➡️ #NSMC faculty
#NephJC editorial team
#VisualAbstracts for KI Reports & PDI
#AskRenal team member
👋 Hi!
#introduction #Nephrologist #fellowship #PeritonealDialysis #SdOH #nutrition #NSMC #NephJC #VisualAbstracts #AskRenal