#bloomscrolling #microscopy
Flower-like conidial heads of an LPCB-stained fungal strain (#Aspergillus?)
#bloomscrolling #microscopy #Aspergillus
I am developing Fungal #YouTube Channel.
The idea is to make #mycology more attractive and accessible to people.
You can watch videos about #biology of #fungi and their #viruses here ⬇️
Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and Like videos! It is the best motivation creating new content!
#academia #science #nature #microbiology #phdlife #education #mushroom #amanita #university #knowledge #mycelium #spores #aspergillus #candida
#youtube #mycology #biology #fungi #viruses #academia #Science #nature #microbiology #phdlife #education #mushroom #amanita #university #knowledge #mycelium #Spores #Aspergillus #Candida
Der krankheitserregende Pilz #Aspergillus fumigatus gelangt über die Atemluft in die Lungen. Dort kidnappt er Zellen, um der körpereigenen Abwehr zu entkommen. Forscher haben die Strategie nun jedoch durchschaut. http://docc.hk/mu3vb5
#Infektionen mit dem #Pilz #Aspergillus fumigatus sind schwer zu bekämpfen – insbesondere, weil der Pilz sich vor #Antimykotika und der Immunabwehr schützen kann. Das Krebsmedikament #Imatinib verhindert die Abschottung.
#Infektionen #Pilz #Aspergillus #antimykotika #imatinib
How do your hyphae grow? Super-res imaging maps cell wall thickness around live #hyphae of #Aspergillus nidulans, revealing dynamic feedbacks between #CellWall deformation & synthesis to promote steady hyphal growth & shape changes @MincLab #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3WenwcR
#plosbiology #cellwall #Aspergillus #hyphae
How do your hyphae grow? Super-res imaging maps cell wall thickness around live #hyphae of #Aspergillus nidulans, revealing dynamic feedbacks between #CellWall deformation & synthesis to promote steady hyphal growth & shape changes @MincLab #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3WenwcR
#plosbiology #cellwall #Aspergillus #hyphae
How do your hyphae grow? Super-res imaging maps cell wall thickness around live #hyphae of #Aspergillus nidulans, revealing dynamic feedbacks between #CellWall deformation & synthesis to promote steady hyphal growth & shape changes @MincLab #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3WenwcR
#plosbiology #cellwall #Aspergillus #hyphae
RT @tmhohl71
Please RT: The Hohl lab @sloan_kettering
is recruiting a Post-Doc. Are you interested in immune responses to fungal pathogens (#Aspergillus) or in the relationship between the #mycobiome and fungal diseases? See link and apply. Join our team!
On the importance of updating disease incidence and tracking https://www.sciencenews.org/article/fungi-cause-serious-lung-infections-found #fungi #fungalpathogens #valleyfever #aspergillus #histoplasmosis
#fungi #fungalpathogens #valleyfever #Aspergillus #histoplasmosis
A trainee in our program recently published a paper about #Aspergillus #flavus and its close relatives. The group found that environmental differences can drive differences in virulence across species. Read more here. https://news.vanderbilt.edu/2022/12/07/vu-graduate-student-parses-differences-in-virulence-across-aspergillus-genus-as-part-of-multi-university-study/
"Here, Sarden et al. aimed to characterize the mechanism by which resistance to Af fails in some individuals. The authors found that an axis consisting of innate B1a cells, natural IgG antibodies, and neutrophils is essential for maintaining protection against Af infection in preclinical models. This axis can be disrupted by factors ranging from influenza A and SARS-CoV-2 infection to corticosteroid treatment. Importantly, the authors showed that re-establishing this axis, including by administration of Af¬-reactive antibodies, can protect mice, highlighting a potential treatment"
#infection #immunity #Aspergillus
Had a successful day of conferencing at the Australasian #Mycological Society Symposium in Wellington New Zealand yesterday at #AMS2022.
A great line up of talks on #fungal #diversity, #molecular & #genomic studies, #appliedscience, #biocontrol, #plantpathology, #ecology, and #Aspergillus in #kākāpō.
📸: 1) organising committee: myself, @bevan@mastadon.nz & Jonathan Plett 🐦@fungidownunder; 2) me with Peter Buchanan & our wonderful Plenary Alison Pouliot
#mycological #ams2022 #fungal #diversity #molecular #genomic #AppliedScience #biocontrol #PlantPathology #ecology #Aspergillus #kakapo #fungi #oomycetes #funga
Just landing here. Would love to follow those also interested in #fungalpathogens #bats #frogs #trees #agriculture #mycology #aspergillus #valleyfever #evolution #evolutionarybiology #lymedisease #ticks
#fungalpathogens #bats #frogs #trees #agriculture #mycology #Aspergillus #valleyfever #evolution #evolutionarybiology #lymedisease #Ticks
RT @PLOSBiology
A combined population #genomic, #phylogenomic & pan-genomic approach reveals high levels of #recombination & metabolic diversity in the opportunistic fungal #pathogen #Aspergillus fumigatus @LotusLofgren @hyphaltip @cramer_lab #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3tEuID5
#plosbiology #Aspergillus #pathogen #Recombination #phylogenomic #genomic
Happy to see our new manuscript out - excellent work on #pangenome in #Aspergillus fumigatus lead by Lotus Lofgren to explore #comparative and #population genomic approaches to the dynamics of this important human pathogen and ubiquitous #fungus. https://plos.io/3tEuID5
#fungus #population #comparative #Aspergillus #pangenome
A combined population #genomic, #phylogenomic & pan-genomic approach reveals high levels of #recombination & metabolic diversity in the opportunistic fungal #pathogen #Aspergillus fumigatus @LotusLofgren @hyphaltip @cramer_lab #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3tEuID5
#plosbiology #Aspergillus #pathogen #Recombination #phylogenomic #genomic
RT @PLOSBiology
A combined population #genomic, #phylogenomic & pan-genomic approach reveals high levels of #recombination & metabolic diversity in the opportunistic fungal #pathogen #Aspergillus fumigatus @LotusLofgren @hyphaltip @cramer_lab #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3tEuID5
#plosbiology #Aspergillus #pathogen #Recombination #phylogenomic #genomic
A combined population #genomic, #phylogenomic & pan-genomic approach reveals high levels of #recombination & metabolic diversity in the opportunistic fungal #pathogen #Aspergillus fumigatus @LotusLofgren @hyphaltip @cramer_lab #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3tEuID5
#plosbiology #Aspergillus #pathogen #Recombination #phylogenomic #genomic
A combined population #genomic, #phylogenomic & pan-genomic approach reveals high levels of #recombination & metabolic diversity in the opportunistic fungal #pathogen #Aspergillus fumigatus @LotusLofgren @hyphaltip @cramer_lab #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3tEuID5
#plosbiology #Aspergillus #pathogen #Recombination #phylogenomic #genomic
RT @jenmgshe@twitter.com
The results from the #ScienceSolstice #citizenscience #mycology project are now live on @biorxivpreprint@twitter.com! https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.11.07.515445v1
Key points:
💁 1,894 air samples collected
🦠 2,366 #Aspergillus isolates grown
💊 111 isolates resistant to #tebuconazole
#ScienceSolstice #citizenscience #mycology #Aspergillus #tebuconazole