#syrianuprising - What a brave people.
"May Bashar al-Assad fall!" and "Bashar al-Assad, we don't want you!".
#Syrien - Vi har givet op? I Danmark er de bare en byrde, der skal sendes hjem?
Syrerne kæmper stadig for at vælte #Assad - selv nogle af hans tidligere støtter.
I Syrien - som i Ukraine - myrder Rusland folk, der vil være frie.
#frihed #demokrati #diktatur
#Diktatur #demokrati #frihed #Assad #syrien
Re #Assad arbeitet an einer ReHa kann er machen
Er und seine Familie, auch die Makhloufs sind auf der Sanktionsliste
Er hat vielleicht den Krieg gewonnen, aber nicht den Frieden. #Syria #SyriaIsNotSafe #EU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1690692897857810432
#Assad #Syria #SyriaIsNotSafe #EU
Narkostaten Syrien och captagon
Syrien har under inbördeskriget förvandlats till en stat som får en mycket stor del av sina exportinkomster från narkotika. Den stat som styrs av Assad har blivit en av världen
#Brott #Bulgarien #Egypten #FrenadeArabemiraten #Grekland #Italien #Jordanien #Kuwait #Libanon #Mellanstern #Oman #Qatar #Saudiarabien #Syrien #Turkiet #Assad #Captagon #Gulfstaterna #Narkostat #Narkotika #Smuggling
#smuggling #narkotika #narkostat #gulfstaterna #captagon #Assad #Turkiet #syrien #saudiarabien #qatar #oman #mellanstern #libanon #Kuwait #jordanien #italien #grekland #frenadearabemiraten #egypten #Bulgarien #brott
#Assad eine ziemlich nette Familie
Seine Sippe versinkt im Drogensumpf
Angeblich will Bashar Al #Assad #Captagon dem Kampf ansagen. Nice try! #Syria
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Karam Shaar كرم شعّار: Until Bashar al-Assad arrests the top three captagon kingpins roaming his control areas freely, all talk about his recent attempts to crack down on the industry is ridiculous, to put it politely.
These are Noah Zeiter, Samer al-Assad, and Wassim al-Assad. https://t.co/YvSbxKq99n
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1679488825612206082
Depuis la réintégration de la #Syrie dans la Ligue Arabe, Damas est de retour.
Les rencontres officielles se multiplient entre le Pdt #Assad et ses partenaires arabes.
Si la France et l’#UE continuent de l’ignorer, nous disparaîtrons du #MoyenOrient et feront exploser le #Liban https://t.co/JBWZoHMBeG
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ThierryMARIANI/status/1676965484196143104
#Syrie #Assad #UE #MoyenOrient #Liban
Surprise!Surprise! #Assad admin is not willing to coorperate with IIMPS on missing people
Maybe they lost the name list of missing people ✌️😏 #SyrianRegime #Syria https://n.respublicae.eu/mansouromari/status/1676487649282990081
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Mansour Omari: Unfortunately, the Syrian government stated it will not cooperate with the Independent Institution on Missing Persons in Syria (IIMPS). However, this does not mean that IIMPS will linger in a state of impediment. As of August 2022, there were at least 16211 persons documented… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1676487649282990081 https://t.co/hmT4QvoDXf
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1676545138036731905
RT Bente Scheller
#Syrien braucht humanitäre Hilfe, die ankommt. Was können wir aus der Erdbebenhilfe lernen? Wichtig, da am 10. Juli das Mandat zur essentiellen grenzüberschreitenden Hilfe verlängert werden muss. #UNSC #Assad #Idlib @boell_mena & @boell_meo & @tomwrollins https://www.boell.de/de/2023/07/03/erdbebenhilfe-syrien
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BenteScheller/status/1675892783389765633
Great and interesting documentary about
#Assad business: making money with
#Captagon: Inside Syria’s drug trafficking empire - BBC World Service Doc...
https://youtu.be/N4DaOxf13O0 via @YouTube
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1675460150075830277
RT Charles Lister
Excellent news -- the UN General Assembly has voted in favor of establishing a body to investigate the fate of 130,000 people detained &/or disappeared by #Assad's regime since 2011. https://t.co/QX04PIWUqf
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Charles_Lister/status/1674541584350605313
Re @fadi0bed The Butcher is praying
Sorry Mr president #Assad
We in the #EP don't see any progress as requested on democracy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1674158756844695555
Just signed! And you? #Syria #Assad
Over 100,000 people are forcibly disappeared in Syria. Sign the #petition calling on @UN member states to support the vote for a new institution to uncover their fate and give answers to their families #RightToTruth https://act.thesyriacampaign.org/sign/truth-and-answers-Syrias-disappeared?akid=s110799..Jmivrs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1674132716244156418
#Syria #Assad #petition #RightToTruth
Re @FamiliesSyria @Yasmenmashan Right! it is so important to have that institution
cc @UNOPS_Brussels
Please support that initiative Mr @antonioguterres #Syria #Assad
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1674134308980678656
Re @DanStoenescuEU @AlArabiya Means #Assad, his family and will be brought to #DenHaag
We in #Germany starts successfully by putting them to trial
Syrians need answer where their loved ones are.
Prisons must be open
If Mr #Assad wants sth from us, he must follow our demands
Cristal Clear! #Syria
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1674137818812108813
#Assad #DenHaag #Germany #Syria
Re @DanStoenescuEU @AlArabiya The syrian opposition must be protected inside the #EU
Syrians were in prison and meet now their torturer
Further we must stop funding #Assad forcing Syrians to go their embassy asking for a new passport
The demand here: #DefundAssad
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1674138434401718300
Syria: New Captagon drug trade link to top officials found
#Assad https://flip.it/SnUXIb
Der Homo Sapiens hat FERTIG!
#Sonneberg #klimawandel #russland #china #türkei #putin #XiJinping #erdogan #assad #ukraine #haiti #burkinafaso #südsudan #syrien #jemen #kongo #afghanistan #äthiopien #somalia
#Sonneberg #klimawandel #russland #china #turkei #putin #XiJinping #erdogan #Assad #Ukraine #Haiti #BurkinaFaso #sudsudan #Syrien #jemen #Kongo #afghanistan #athiopien #Somalia
RT @BenteScheller: Leben in #Syrien unter #Assad: »Wenn ich nicht so laut schreie, wird man uns einfach vergessen« - @moni_bol, Christoph Reuter und Mohannad al-Najjar https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/syrien-nach-baschar-al-assads-wiederaufnahme-in-die-arabische-liga-macht-um-jeden-preis-a-58c5357a-d748-402b-882e-f1e69eeedff0?sara_ref=re-so-tw-sh via @derspiegel
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1667559958060187648
Keine Normalisierung mit dem #Assad Regime in #Syrien
Von einem Diktator von putins Gnaden kann man kein Entgegenkommen erwarten #SyriaIsNotSafe
Danke @BenteScheller 🙏
RT @BenteScheller: Obwohl die Arabische Liga ein Club der Autokraten ist, hat #Assad's Wiedereinstieg nur 13 von 22 Staaten überzeugt. Nicht Hoffnung, Resignation pägt die Entscheidung - und doch Wunschdenken statt Realpolitik. https://table.media/security/standpunkt/vorschuss-fuer-den-falschen/?fbclid=IwAR0QAAw9UwGty6WyJ5sRhZ1QeJ95h62997GUpiCBP5ABQNHOocsZ4GhHWU4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1663869479296565248
#Assad #Syrien #SyriaIsNotSafe