Akhil Gogoi, one of the original leaders of the mass movement in Assam dropped hints and warnings from NIA custody. "There are two possible directions at the moment: either it can flourish into a genuine people’s movement or it can turn into a state-sponsored movement. I have only one request to the people: please do not be part of the state-sponsored movement.”
#AssamProtests #IndiaRejectsCAB
#IndiaRejectsCAB #AssamProtests
Graffiti on the walls of the Guwahati University campus.
#CABProtests #AssamProtests #IndiaRejectsCAB
#CABProtests #IndiaRejectsCAB #AssamProtests
Demand for ILP (and thus #CAA exemption) has become the internal battle of the #AssamProtests.
Some want ILP because it resolves the issue in the short term. What they don't realize is, if the Center can give you ILP it can also take away ILP. Once ILP comes in, Assam will have to make sure that they remain in the Central political machinery's (aka BJP's) good books to continue to be protected. It is just a soft route to control and centralization of power.
I have a bad feeling that those of you who've only lived outside of NE and Kashmir will slowly start getting an introduction to another act that you've never had to even read about - AFSPA.
BJP might just end up being a great uniter (and not divider) of the nation, but via the swinging end of the lathi.
#afspa #kashmir #AssamProtests #CABProtest #Jamia
#afspa #kashmir #CABProtest #Jamia #AssamProtests
और कितनों को अंदर करोगे?
और कितनी स्थिति सामान्य करोगे?
अपनी नाकामियों को छुपाने के लिए और कितनों की कमर तोड़ोगे?
#CABBill2019 #AssamProtests
RT @chhuti_is@twitter.activitypub.actor
Assam protest is all about kicking the Bengali community out of the state. It's anti-Bengali fanatism.
Both Hindus and Muslims.
From 1947 to 1971 to 2019 - the only constant is the persecution of Bengalis. #assamprotests #CAB