New artwork by #MontyPython's @TerryGilliam on the occasion of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's wedding this week: 'Congratulations!' #FreeAssangeNOW #AssangeWedding @StellaMoris1
#montypython #freeassangenow #AssangeWedding
New artwork by #MontyPython's @TerryGilliam on the occasion of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's wedding this week: 'Congratulations!' #FreeAssangeNOW #AssangeWedding @StellaMoris1
#montypython #freeassangenow #AssangeWedding
New artwork by #MontyPython's @TerryGilliam on the occasion of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's wedding this week: 'Congratulations!' #FreeAssangeNOW #AssangeWedding @StellaMoris1
#montypython #freeassangenow #AssangeWedding
"Hoy cruzaré las puertas de la prisión de alta seguridad más opresiva del país y me casaré con un #presopolítico"
– Stella Moris
Felicidades a los dos.
#AssangeWedding #freeassange #julianassange #freeassangenow
#freeassangenow #julianassange #freeassange #AssangeWedding #presopolítico
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange married his Fiancee Stella Moris on Wednesday at Belmarsh Prison | Reuters | #AssangeWedding #FreeAssangeNOW
#AssangeWedding #freeassangenow
Julian Assange's new wife Stella Moris makes tearful speech after cutting cake following Wednesday's #Assangewedding - "I love Julian with all my heart, I wish he was here" #FreeAssangeNOW @StellaMoris1
#AssangeWedding #freeassangenow
Stella Moris wrote movingly about her wedding to Julian Assange in an op-ed before Wednesday's nuptials: "Today I will go through the gates at the most oppressive high security prison in the country and be married to a political prisoner"#AssangeWedding
Julian Assange's new wife Stella Moris makes tearful speech after cutting cake following wednesday's #Assangewedding - "I love Julian with all my heart, I wish he was here" #FreeAssangeNOW @StellaMoris1
#AssangeWedding #freeassangenow
Julian Assange's new bride Stella Moris makes tearful speech after cutting cake following today's #Assangewedding - "I love Julian with all my heart, I wish he was here" #FreeAssangeNOW @StellaMoris1
#AssangeWedding #freeassangenow
Il vero pericolo è che il mondo veda in che condizioni è stato ridotto un uomo per il solo fatto di aver rivelato quello che si nasconde dietro la sedicente civiltà occidentale.
Che vergogna.
“Ve lo ripeteremo ogni giorno”.
Julian Assange's new bride Stella Moris makes tearful speech after cutting cake following today's #Assangewedding - "I love Julian with all my heart, I wish he was here" #FreeAssangeNOW @StellaMoris1
#AssangeWedding #freeassangenow
Stella Moris wrote movingly about her wedding to Julian Assange in a @guardian op-ed before todays nuptials:"Today I will go through the gates at the most oppressive high security prison in the country and be married to a political prisoner"#AssangeWedding
Julian #Assange potrà finalmente sposare la sua fidanzata @stellamoris1 questo mercoledì, 23 marzo, mentre rimane imprigionato per aver denunciato crimini di guerra e abusi dei diritti umani - e rischia una pena di 175 anni se estradato negli Stati Uniti...
#assangewedding #julianassange #stellamoris #julianandstella #freeassange #23march #freejulian #freethepress #freeusall #wikileaks #belmarsh
#belmarsh #Wikileaks #freeusall #freethepress #FreeJulian #23march #FreeAssange #julianandstella #StellaMoris #JulianAssange #AssangeWedding #assange
Selection of pictures of Julian Assange's bride Stella Moris from todays #AssangeWedding. No pictures of Julian Assange from today are available as prison authorities deemed images of the groom a 'security risk'
Assange faces a 175 year sentence for publishing truthful documents
First picture of Julian Assange Fiancee Stella Moris in her wedding dress ahead of todays Belmarsh Wedding. Pictured with their two young children Gabriel and Max #AssangeWedding #FreeAssangeNOW
#freeassangenow #AssangeWedding
Stella Moris speaks movingly about her wedding to Julian #Assange today: "Today I will go through the gates at the most oppressive high security prison in the country and be married to a political prisoner, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange" #AssangeWedding
"Love over fear" - Julian Assange Fiancee @StellaMoris1: "We have the strength of our love and righteous conviction. Julian’s family will fight for his freedom and for his life, until he is free" #AssangeWedding #FreeAssangeNOW
#AssangeWedding #freeassangenow
First picture of Julian Assange Fiancee Stella Moris in her wedding dress ahead of todays Belmarsh Wedding. Pictured with their two young children Gabriel and Max #AssangeWedding #FreeAssangeNOW
#AssangeWedding #freeassangenow
Julian Assange fiancee Stella Moris ahead of todays wedding ceremony: "Julian has spent nearly three years unjustly detained on behalf of the foreign power that plotted to kill him in the streets of London" #AssangeWedding
Stella Moris speaks movingly about her wedding to Julian Assange today: "Today I will go through the gates at the most oppressive high security prison in the country and be married to a political prisoner, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange" #AssangeWedding