#AssataShakur revient sur sa trajectoire politique, depuis l’exil
Partie 1 https://indigenes-republique.fr/assata-shakur-parle-depuis-lexil/
Partie 2 https://indigenes-republique.fr/assata-shakur-parle-depuis-lexil-22/
I find it so hypocritical that Assata Shakur (named her legal name Joanne Chesimard) is still one of FBI's Most Wanted despite no actual evidence that she killed the New Jersey State Trooper, was shot by a cop, was treated in unfair prison conditions for being a black revolutionary and the fact that the KKK is still not declared as a terrorist group. It really makes you think.
Her name is Assata Olugbala Shakur. Assata is a West Afrikan name derived from the Arabic name "Aisha" which means "she who struggles". Olugbala means "saviour" in Yoruba and Shakur means "thankful one" in Arabic.
Further reading:
Assata: An Autobiography
Free Assata Shakur
Why Is Assata On Trial?
OPINION: She Who Struggles: Assata Shakur and the radical Black women who fought for civil rights.
#BlackLiberation #BlackLiberationArmy #AssataShakur #panafricanism
#BlackLiberation #BlackLiberationArmy #AssataShakur #panafricanism
Happy #AssataShakur Liberation Day...if Assata hadn't been broken out of prison on this day 43 years ago, & survived to eventually share her experiences from exile, it's hard to imagine just how much more we'd have to relearn. A luta continua...
It's Day 8 of #inktober, so here's a drawing of Assata Shakur. She's a former member of the Black Liberation Army and fled to Cuba after being framed for murder in the United States as part of her organizing work. While in Cuba she wrote "Assata: An Autobiography," which you can find here:
#AssataShakur #BlackLiberationArmy #MastoArt #BlackPower
#blackpower #MastoArt #BlackLiberationArmy #AssataShakur #inktober
Assata Shakur is an American political activist who was a member of the Black Liberation Army (BLA) and who later escaped prison, eventually finding refuge in Cuba.
#LBOE #art #MastoArt #AssataShakur #BlackLiberationArmy
#BlackLiberationArmy #AssataShakur #MastoArt #art #LBOE
"Historia", por #AssataShakur (traducido por ethel odriozola y carmen valle)
Tú moriste
Yo lloré.
Y seguí poniéndome de pie.
Un poco más despacio.
Y de forma mucho más letal.
#NewYorkCity #Schools Teaching #BlackLivesMatter Agenda Inspired in Part by Cop-Killer #AssataShakur:
#AssataShakur #BlackLivesMatter #schools #newyorkcity
Assata. Eine Autobiografie aus dem schwarzen Widerstand in den USA by Assata Shakur; Lennox S. Hinds; Regine Geraedts
#AssataShakur, #autobiography, #schwarzenwiderstand, #autobiografie, #misogynoir, #memoir, #memoiren, #revolutionaries, #BlackPantherParty, #BlackLiberationArmy, #unitedstatesofamerika, #rassismus
Assata Shakur, Mitglied der Black Panther Party und Mitbegründerin der Black Liberation Army, erzählt in ihrer Autobiografie mit kraft voller, authentischer Sti mme vom tief verwurzelten Rassismus in den USA und vom Aufbruch der militanten schwarzen Bürgerrechtsbewegung in den 1960er- und 1970er-Jahren. Sie zeichnet ein bewegendes Bild ihrer Kindheit bei den Großeltern im South Carolina der frühen 1950er-Jahre und ihrer Jugend in den Straßen der Bronx, berichtet detailliert über ihre Zeit im Gefängnis und über die rassistische Struktur des US-amerikanischen Justizsystems. In den Text eingestreut sind Gedichte Assata Shakurs, die erahnen lassen, was es bedeutet, schwarz, Frau und Revolutionärin zu sein.
#AssataShakur #autobiography #schwarzenwiderstand #autobiografie #misogynoir #memoir #memoiren #revolutionaries #blackpantherparty #BlackLiberationArmy #unitedstatesofamerika #rassismus
Assata Shakur visited in Cuba by Tolbert Jones Small & family
#AssataShakur, #TolbertJonesSmall, #Cuba, #Havana, #photography, #SierraWald, #AnolaPriceSmall, #AssataOlugbalaShakur, #AyannaLathan, #JacoboSmall
sources and descriptions: bert interviews assata.jpg, bert and assata2.jpg, bertskids3.jpg
#AssataShakur #TolbertJonesSmall #cuba #havana #photography #SierraWald #AnolaPriceSmall #AssataOlugbalaShakur #AyannaLathan #JacoboSmall