"Astra Announces Second Quarter 2023 Financial Results"
Ekelhafte playlist zum schlägermove, die #astra brauerei spielt "layla" #ganzhamburghasstdenschlagermove #schlagermove#sexistendreck
#Astra #ganzhamburghasstdenschlagermove #schlagermove
From Astra: "Conclusion of TROPICS-1 Mishap Investigation"
#tropics1 #Astra #launchinformation
Hach. Inzwischen vier neue #DeluxeMusic-Spartensender und 3 neue Doku-Sender auf #Astra-Transponder 118.
Interested in how a so-called #automotive "legacy OEM" builds cars? Then take a look at the most fascinating Rüsselsheim #Robot #Ballet ... This is the production line of the Opel #Astra L, introduced in 2022, at Rüsselsheim near Frankfurt where Opel was founded 160 years ago. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug4toFE2jQM
#automotive #robot #ballet #Astra
#Astra is laying off 16% of their employees. Chris Kemp posted about it on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/chrisckemp_today-we-made-the-difficult-decision-to-activity-6995868932138033153-knfZ