Didn’t win anything except a pot of paint at the 40K tournament.
But I did meet up with a guy from the discord to trade my unbuilt Baneblade kit for his assembled and primed Stormhammer. It’s a Forgeworld variant that is now legendary, but my guard are mostly for fun matches anyway. So I couldn’t say no to 8 lascannons and even bigger guns.
I think I got a good deal.
#WH40K #Warhammer40K #ImperialGuard #AstraMilitarum #BaneBlade #BigGunsNeverTire
#wh40k #warhammer40k #imperialguard #AstraMilitarum #baneblade #biggunsnevertire
My Retro Battle Truck and the weapons pack for it are now up on Cults3D!
#warhammer #Warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #oldhammer #warhamfam #WarhammerCommunity #3dprinting #miniatures #imperialguard #astramilitarum
#warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #Oldhammer #warhamFam #warhammercommunity #3dprinting #miniatures #imperialguard #AstraMilitarum
I’ve just finished tweaking this Leman Russ proxy, inspired by the very original model released for Epic back in the 80s. It’s designed to be easy to print in FDM (no supports required for printing), the one pictured was printed on a stock Ender 3.
I’m fairly happy with how this one turned out, I’ve a little bit of tidying up to do, but hope to have the model up on Cults3D next week.
#Warhammer40k #warhammer #astramilitarum #imperialguard #WarhammerCommunity #3dprinting
#warhammer40k #warhammer #AstraMilitarum #imperialguard #warhammercommunity #3dprinting
Some guardsmen I recently finished #oldhammer #astramilitarum #Warhammer40k
#Oldhammer #AstraMilitarum #warhammer40k
Faux Lego Astra Militarum mini figures… #FauxLego #AstraMilitarum #Cadians #WarhammerCommunity
#fauxlego #AstraMilitarum #Cadians #warhammercommunity
Did a little painting today.
Still a lot to do, but got some first layers down and it is starting to look like it belongs in my army.
#WIP #MiniaturePainting #Warhammer40k #WH40k #40k #ImperialGuard #AstraMilitarum #1HourANight #OrangeRegiment #IrvineCompany
#wip #miniaturepainting #warhammer40k #wh40k #40k #imperialguard #AstraMilitarum #1houranight #orangeregiment #irvinecompany
But seriously, I buy any female imperial guard models they make because I like to encourage GW to continue adding gender diversity to the game. But I do wish more would be added to the regular line instead of these limited releases.
General Creed is great, but I could use more women instead of yet another marine lieutenant.
#Warhammer40k #WH40k #40k #GenderDiversity #ImperialGuard #FemaleSoldiers #AstraMilitarum
#warhammer40k #wh40k #40k #genderdiversity #imperialguard #femalesoldiers #AstraMilitarum
Me: As a Guard player, I just need some data cards, I won’t need to buy any new models until I finish what I’ve got.
GW: But you don’t have this lady…
*Bank Account suffers a Mortal Wound*
#warhammer40k #40k #wh40k #imperialguard #AstraMilitarum
Looks like I only need to paint two models to finish my thousand point Imperial Guard force. Of course one of those is an APC.
#40k #AstraMilitarum #ImperialGuard #Incursion #IrvineCompany #OrangeRegiment #VictoriaMiniatures
#40k #AstraMilitarum #imperialguard #incursion #irvinecompany #orangeregiment #victoriaminiatures
Me: Should I run my Catachan squad as an actual Catachan squad now that we can mix and match?
10th edition: We’re sorry, your kit is out of print. We no longer support putting a missile launcher, meltagun, and chainsword in a Catachan squad.
Me: Infantry squad it is.
#40k #NoCountryForOldMetalModels #GrimdarkWorldProblems #ImperialGuard #AstraMilitarum #Catachan
#40k #nocountryforoldmetalmodels #grimdarkworldproblems #imperialguard #AstraMilitarum #catachan
Me: Should I run my Catachan squad as an actual Catachan squad now that we can mix and match?
10th edition: We’re sorry, your kit is out of print. We no longer support putting a missile launcher, meltagun, and chainsword in a Catachan squad.
Me: Infantry squad it is.
#40k #NoCountryForOldMetalModels #GrimdarkWorldProblems #ImperialGuard #AstraMilitarum #Catachan
#40k #nocountryforoldmetalmodels #grimdarkworldproblems #imperialguard #AstraMilitarum #catachan
The complete Imperial Guard squad. I'm really happy with how this squad came out.
#Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer40K #Warhammer40000 #GamesWorkshop #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingMinis #ImperialGuard #AstraMilitarum #BoardGames #Warmongers
#warhammer #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #imperialguard #AstraMilitarum #boardgames #warmongers
The final couple of Guardsmen painted up today to finish off the Imperial Guard Squad.
#Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer40K #Warhammer40000 #GamesWorkshop #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingMinis #BoardGames #ImperialGuard #AstraMilitarum #Warmongers
#warhammer #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #paintingminis #boardgames #imperialguard #AstraMilitarum #warmongers
I know most people are painting up their Leviathan boxes today, but I paintednup a few more Imperial Guard to get the squad finished before moving onto the new minis.
#Warhammer #WarhammerCommunuity #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40K #GamesWorkshop #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingMinis #BoardGames #ImperialGuard #AstraMilitarum #Warmongers
#warhammer #warhammercommunuity #warhammer40000 #warhammer40k #gamesworkshop #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #paintingminis #boardgames #imperialguard #AstraMilitarum #warmongers
Good little stream in twitch today. Built the avatar of khain and the royal dorn tank. #twitch #twitchstreamer #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #aeldari #AstraMilitarum
#AstraMilitarum #aeldari #warhammer40000 #warhammer40k #twitchstreamer #twitch
As I predicted when I picked up the Imperial Guard codex 5 weeks ago, new edition of Warhammer 40K announced.
I probably won’t even get a game in with them before it releases. 😭
#40k #wh40k #imperialguard #AstraMilitarum #warhammer40k
Woot! I’m on Mastodon for #Warhammer40k now! Really got tired of the Instagram algorithm. Expect okay-ish painting #salamanders mostly from this account for now, as that’s my current army focus. May post some old #necron / #adeptusmechanicus / #AstraMilitarum / other stuff too.
This is my most recent - one of five #primaris #AssaultIntercessors from the #indomitus box. Almost through all of them!
#warhammer40k #salamanders #Necron #adeptusmechanicus #AstraMilitarum #primaris #assaultintercessors #indomitus
Check out how tiny the original ratling sniper miniatures were! But does it beat the one eating an apple??? 🍎
#oldhammer #astramilitarum #imperialguard #warhammer40k #Warhammer #warmongers #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer
#Oldhammer #AstraMilitarum #imperialguard #warhammer40k #warhammer #warmongers #warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer
Another #AstraMilitarum blunder like the #rogaldorn bottom!
When will GW give us our bottoms?!!
#AstraMilitarum #rogaldorn #warhammercommunity
I’m definitely a little disappointed by the crusade rules in the imperial guard codex. It feels like they ran out of ideas. Adeptus Mechanicus has the same number of pages, but they get a cool tech building thing. Sisters get martyr crusades, harlequins get performances.
Guards get, win x out of y games and award some medals. I like medals, but I wanted a little more.
Oh well, if I ever do find a friend who wants to crusade we can hack it.
#40k #wh40k #imperialguard #AstraMilitarum #cadia