Forgot I had an account here! The past several weeks I finally got hooked to the #Fediverse 😂 took awhile for it to catch on for me but it finally did and now I can't put it down.
So here's a little #introduction post for this instance! 😁
I grew up in a strict #christian household and stopped going to #church when I became a teenager. My #religious upbringing brought me a lot of religion related trauma and for a long time I felt resentful of the church and my father for the things that really hurt me during my upbringing.
I had my #SpiritualAwakening back in 2016 triggered by my first #OutOfBodyExperience. It wasn't a much of an out of body experience, but happened simply because I was curious about what #AstralProjection was, and spirit decided to show me that day. That was the catalyst that set me down the #spiritual path.
From there it lead me down the rabbit hole of astral projection, #ShadowWork, #reiki, opening the #ThirdEye, #manifestation, #divination, #DreamWork, and a bunch of other things.
These days my path has narrowed a bit and my primary method of expansion is shadow work, and dream work plays a big role in my shadow work. This path has allowed me to heal from a lot of religious trauma I experienced growing up and get to know myself on a much deeper level.
#Tarot and #oracle reading is also something I still practice fairly regularly and recently I have been really wanting to learn more about the #pagan #WheelOfTheYear and getting in tune with nature's cycles.
My biggest spiritual inspiration is #GigiYoung. She teaches a lot about #occult science from #RudolfSteiner's work, #cosmology, and diving deep into the sinister agendas of elite groups involved in the dark occult.
That's me in a nutshell! 😊 Thanks for having me, and thanks to the admin for increasing the character limit on posts. 😁 I like to write a lot, and the increased character limit makes this an excellent blogging platform!
#fediverse #introduction #christian #church #religious #spiritualawakening #outofbodyexperience #AstralProjection #spiritual #shadowwork #reiki #thirdeye #manifestation #Divination #dreamwork #Tarot #oracle #Pagan #wheeloftheyear #GigiYoung #occult #rudolfsteiner #cosmology
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#AstralProjection #SafetyAtWork
#dreamworld #dreamscape #dreamtime #astralPlane #astralProjection #oobe #nearDeathExperience #lore #folklore #esoteric #esoterica #esotericism #divination #tarot #yijing #iching #PhilipKDick #PKD #RobertAntonWilson #EdgarAllenPoe #RudyRucker #WilliamGibson #TerryPratchett #CharlesDeLint #JamesTiptreeJr #Tolkien #JRRTolkien #HPLovecraft #Lovecraft #cosmicHorror #illuminati #nwo #conspiracy #conspiracyTheory #paranoia #paranoidFiction #paranormal #paranormalFiction #aliens #ghosts
#dreamworld #dreamscape #dreamtime #astralPlane #AstralProjection #OOBE #neardeathexperience #lore #folklore #esoteric #ESOTERICA #esotericism #divination #tarot #yijing #iching #philipkdick #pkd #RobertAntonWilson #edgarallenpoe #rudyrucker #williamgibson #terrypratchett #CharlesDeLint #JamesTiptreeJr #tolkien #jrrtolkien #hplovecraft #lovecraft #cosmichorror #illuminati #nwo #conspiracy #conspiracytheory #paranoia #paranoidFiction #paranormal #paranormalfiction #aliens #ghosts
Do you practice #AstralProjection? If so, how does it factor into your practice?
I mostly use #astral travel to communicate with spirits and to perform #magick on other "layers" of reality!
#magick #astral #occult #witchcraft #AstralProjection