The white-blue stars that populate these two clusters are part of a bigger collection known as Perseus OB1. This means that these are big, hot main secuence stars that are at least more than twice as hot as our Sun.
This pair of star clusters are called Xi Persei, and popularly known as the Double Cluster. You can see this two with your own eyes, without any aid, from a dark sky.
#astronomy #Astrodon #astrophotography #space
#astronomy #Astrodon #astrophotography #space
Only Connect question annoyed me tonight. (Hopefully only a tiny spoiler if you haven't seen it yet).
The following picture was meant to represent "finders". Unfortunately the arrows pointed to the eyepieces, or possibly the diagonals.
The finderscope is the thing on top of the main tube (arrowed by me in orange). #Astrodon
I'm reposting some info from my 1st year seminar I am going over this week in case people haven't seen it:
This super cool video is of the Antikythera Mechanism built from Lego, including how it works! This ancient computer which tracked eclipses and important calendar dates is from Greece circa 100 BC. The original is more accurate and performed the same calculation with less pieces.
#teaching #histodons #Astrodon #astronomy
Plus d’un an sans utiliser mon matériel. Bigre tout est à re apprendre ! De la mise en station aux nouveaux logiciels en passant pas le focuser, les nouveaux colliers, le mini hub, le plate solving, le guidage, les câbles égarés, et j’en passe. Bref, une cible un peu choisie au hasard vite fait… pour de la photo. Ça fonctionne !. Ouf. 35 mn ha + 8 mn en b et v. 52 Cyg et ngc 6960
#astrophotography #astronomy #astrodon
#astrophotography #astronomy #Astrodon
I'll be at the First Year of JWST Science Conference this week at @spacetelescope.
If you want to follow along, there will be a YouTube livestream:
No registration is required. Stream should be up soon.
Djaffar nous partage un TimeLapse de 10 s retraçant 2 heures d'activité du soleil hier. Il a capturé par chance une éruption (à la fin de la vidéo). On peut également voir la rotation légère du soleil.
#sun #soleil #astronomy #astronomie #astrodon
#sun #soleil #astronomy #astronomie #Astrodon
I captured two and a half additional nights of data on NGC 7822, this time with a different dual narrow-band filter that captures the Oxygen III emission line in the green and blue channels of the camera and the Sulphur II emission line on the red channel.
Combining this new data with the original data (Oxygen III and Hydrogen Alpha), I produced an SHO image where the Sulphur II, Hydrogen Alpha and Oxygen III emission lines are assigned to the the red, green and blue channels of the image respectively.
In total 13h 30m of data, 5h 5m on the Oiii+Ha filter and 8h 25m on the Oiii+Sii filter.
Full resolution + annotated versions and technical details on Telescopius:
#astrophotography #astronomy #nebula #deepsky #photography #astroberry #kstars #ekos #phd2 #darktable #raspberrypi #astrodon
Image license: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
#astrophotography #astronomy #nebula #deepsky #photography #astroberry #kstars #ekos #phd2 #darktable #raspberrypi #Astrodon
Jupiter - Impact of comet Shoemaker–Levy 9
Full size image and more info:
Hubble Space Telescope
Target Name: JUPITER-WF
Instrument: WFPC2/WFC
Proposal ID: 5642 Alex Storrs
Time: 1994-07-17
Observation ID: u2fi0h04t, u2fi0h04t, u2fi0h06t
Filters used: F547M, F410M, F336W
#Jupiter #Space #Astronomy #Spacetodon #Astrodon #Solarocks
#jupiter #space #astronomy #spacetodon #Astrodon #solarocks
Public service announcement: whoever you are, with the exception of Jim Peebles and the like, and in particular if you are a philosopher, or revendicate yourself as such, don't be the person in my replies telling me seriously things like "the big bang theory is almost dead" because it will only make you look like Dan Hodges aka the most stupid pundit in the West. #Astrodon
At the end of the session last night, I couldn't resist pointing at M45, the Pleiades cluster, which was very present to the left of Jupiter. A single 300sec... we can already see the blue nebulosities... autumn is coming, this target is on my to-do list, I can't wait! #Astrodon #Astronomy #M45 #pleiades
#Astrodon #astronomy #m45 #pleiades
North America Nebula, imaged three nights ago with RedCat51, ASI530MC, NBZ filter, 52 x 2 min subs, software SiriL, PhotoShop, and StarNet++. Happy how it turned out, quite a bit of details! This nebula is near the bright star Vega high in the sky right now. The shape looks like the map of North America #Astrodon #astrophotography #astronomy
#Astrodon #astrophotography #astronomy
Btw, while I was taking some astro pictures yesterday, I was also looking at the sky with my binoculars, and gazed at the Galilean moons of Jupiter. Io, Europe and Ganimedes were visible, Callisto was too close to the planet. Every time I see them I imagine what Galileo must have felt, being the first human to observe them. #astrodon
I captured the ISS transiting the sun! I used my Lunt 40 so the ISS looks like a tiny tie fighter. Watch the following video to learn how I planned this shot and what software and gear I used:
#astronomy #astrodon #astrophotography #sun #solar #iss #space
#astronomy #Astrodon #astrophotography #sun #solar #iss #space
Saturn imaged two nights ago with Meade 8” 2x Barlow, averaged over 6 x 5 min videos 5 percent stacked. First Saturn image after nearly two years. Interesting brightness variation across the ring, not sure if this is real but it is what come out and I like it 😄 Hope to have a few more imaging sessions for Saturn before moving in to Jupiter. #Astrodon #astrophotography #astronomy #saturn #planet
#Astrodon #astrophotography #astronomy #saturn #planet
🧵 7/7 The last animation of this Martian Clouds Thread, I swear :)
Full size video, info and usage terms:
#ISRO Mars Orbiter Mission
#Mars #Space #Astronomy #Spacetodon #Astrodon #Solarocks #Mangalyaan
Credit: ISRO/ISSDC/MOM/AndreaLuck
#isro #mars #space #astronomy #spacetodon #Astrodon #solarocks #Mangalyaan
Si vous avez un appareil photo numérique vous pouvez participer à un projet de science participative avec l’Association Française d’Astronomie en photographiant #Hartley2 #comète #astro #astrodon
#Astrodon #astro #comete #hartley2
Seem a few posts on satellites (especially starlink) and light pollution, but would anyone mind please explaining why satellites need lights on them at all?
We put up a new @ec_euclid blog post: "How do we know the Universe is expanding?"
The first in a series about #ESAEuclid's core #science: #cosmology.
#esaeuclid #science #cosmology #Astrodon #astronomy #darkmatter #darkenergy
in gut anderthalb jahren werden die ringe des saturn verschwinden