Today is the last day of #Astronomicon, and I'm on one more panel as moderator!
10 AM (11/6/22): Guilty Pleasures!
It should be fun.
Thanks to everyone who has hung about and made this a fun experience :D.
Today's (11/5/22) official #Astronomicon activities as Media Guest of Honor (@SkiffyandFanty):
10 AM: SF/Fantasy in the Classroom
2 PM: When a Fandom Refuses to Die (Mod)
3 PM: Reading (audience choice)
8 PM: Giant Monstrosities
10 PM: The Panel of the Ricks
Yay :D.
For folks attending #Astronomicon who may be wondering where to find me during the opening day, here you go:
9 PM (11/4/22): "Genre Shows You Should Be Watching But Probably Aren't"
Also: I'll be hanging about the Meet the Pros event at 7. Come say hi! :D
RT @SkiffyandFanty
Heyo, folks!
@Loopdilou & @shaunduke are Media Guests of Honor at #Astronomicon, and they're gonna record some conversations!
What are some things you'd like them to talk about?
Throw down some questions, topics, and more! :D
I'm feeling geeky today while waiting for #Astronomicon to start.
So...time for #AskAProfessor. Ask me questions!
I teach composition, digital rhetoric and writing, science fiction, social media fandom studies, and related subjects. Study the same + postcolonial lit.