Hello, everyone! I hope you survived the server tempest, despite the loss of data, etc. Please, let’s reconnect! I write to let you know that I created the @earlymodernmaritimestudies group right before the server went down. Here’s the revised group description, for those whose work & interests fit. As you can see, we use “early modern” expansively! Have a look!
This is an interdisciplinary group for those who study #Maritime topics in the early modern period and beyond (c.1500-1900s), from different perspectives. It is intended to be a point of encounter and a gathering space for specialists in fields such as #MaritimeHistory, #TravelLiterature, the #SlaveTrade, #CoastalStudies, #PortCities, #OceanStudies, #AtlanticStudies, #TranspacificStudies, etc., for the purpose of sharing ideas and supporting one another in our work.
#earlymodern #maritime #SlaveTrade #MiddlePassage #TravelLiterature, #histodons, #CoastalStudies, #PortCities, #OceanStudies
#maritime #MaritimeHistory #travelliterature #slavetrade #coastalstudies #PortCities #OceanStudies #AtlanticStudies #TranspacificStudies #earlymodern #MiddlePassage #histodons