If you follow this group and know one other person who's working on maritime topics, please encourage them to follow us, also! Perhaps it will be a colleague who is interested in #EarlyModern #Navigation as the primary mode of transportation during periods of #ImperialExpansion and #Colonization, perhaps someone who works on #OceanStudies, on the #AtlanticWorld or on #TranspacificStudies, on early modern #TravelLiterature, on the #MiddlePassage and the many topics associated with the #SlaveryArchive, on #Pirates, on #MediterraneanStudies, in #CoastalStudies or on #PortCities. #CulturalStudies folks and #Histodons all welcome. Any work on early modern #BlueHumanities themes would be more than fitting. And while I'm at it, please share something about your own work on the group page! We're still getting to know one another. With thanks to the most avid supporters of the group. 😊
#earlymodern #navigation #imperialexpansion #colonization #OceanStudies #AtlanticWorld #TranspacificStudies #travelliterature #MiddlePassage #slaveryarchive #pirates #mediterraneanstudies #coastalstudies #PortCities #culturalstudies #histodons #bluehumanities