Hooray!🥳 Happy to have contributed to this excellent
@NatureComms paper by the Ng group at @GTChBE on mixing #aerosol precursors!
Read to see what happens to SOA yield and composition when two
monoterpenes are oxidized alone, together, or in sequence
I hate the fact that I know without thinking how much 1/4 inch is in cm. #iykyk #swagelok #atmoschem #lablife
#iykyk #swagelok #AtmosChem #lablife
Panicking over the fact that Lufthansa charges 250EUR per extra checked-in suitcase - so return trip for 4 extra suitcase = 2000 EUR
And then remembering the first flight is with Agean on the way to Brazil; first flight on way back is LATAM - both charge about 60 EUR 😂
Drones, scientific sensors and equipments packed for Brazil !!
#AtmosChem #AirQuality #Science #FieldCampaign
#AtmosChem #AirQuality #science #fieldcampaign
Excellent piece by Persad et al. highlighting the importance of aerosol to climate projections. "Because the current toolkit is largely blind to this climate risk[...]The result is an underappreciation of the role of aerosols in policy." Primary aerosol emissions inventories are an issue, and future trajectories of sulfate and nitrate add to the difficulty, in quantifying climate change and risk. A role for #atmoschem here and RAMIP will be valuable https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-03763-9
Excellent piece by Persad et al. highlighting the importance of aerosol to climate projections. "Because the current toolkit is largely blind to this climate risk[...]The result is an underappreciation of the role of aerosols in policy." Primary aerosol emissions inventories are an issue, and future trajectories of sulfate and nitrate add to the difficulty, in quantifying climate change and risk. A role for #atmoschem here and RAMIP will be valuable - doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d4
Forgot to set the reminder at midnight to follow the ACCOM conference going on in Australia.
Missed talks from my favourite people down there.
Sucks being in the wrong time zone. Better luck tonight (maybe)!
#AtmosChem #Conference #AirQuality #CSIRO #UOW
#AtmosChem #conference #AirQuality #csiro #uow
#aeromma #gothaam #staqs #cupids #nymets #AtmosChem #AtmosphericChemistry #AirQuality
Diurnal and seasonal cycles of ethylene oxide in Billerica, MA, based on data from Aerodyne Research, Inc.
#AtmosphericChemistry #AtmosChem #AirQuality
Diurnal and seasonal cycles of ethylene oxide, based on data from Aerodyne Research, Inc.
#AtmosphericChemistry #AtmosChem #AirQuality
I'll do a real #Introduction later. Have some random hashtags instead:
But also:
#introduction #AtmosphericChemistry #AtmosChem #StableIsotopes #StableIsotopeGeochemistry #AirSensors #AirQuality #AirPollution #VolatileOrganicCompounds #VOCs #ClumpAllTheThings #Methane #GreenhouseGases #SulfurMIF #Photochemistry #Formaldehyde #HCHO #MassSpectrometry #GasChromatography #Spectroscopy #pfas #Ozone #NitrogenDioxide #NAAQS #AirToxics #KORUSAQ #UWFPS #LMOS #LISTOS #LongIslandSound2023 #MIT #Neurodiversity #DisabilityJustice