If you're interested in the areas where #MachineLearning currently meets #AtmosphericChemistry, and free on Thursday between 1130 and 1630 UTC, there's still time to register for this Royal Meteorological Society meeting - happening online via Zoom. https://www.rmets.org/event/atmospheric-chemistry-and-data-science-final-frontier
#machinelearning #AtmosphericChemistry
Hi all! I'm an atmospheric chemist and professor at University of Minnesota. I study atmospheric trace gases and surface-atmosphere exchange using field measurements, modeling, and satellite-based remote sensing. Looking forward to conversations about those things and about science/academia more broadly. Also nerdy jokes. And anything about cycling, hockey, or coonhounds.
#Introductions #NewHere #AirQuality #AtmosphericChemistry #Science
#introduction #Introductions #newhere #AirQuality #AtmosphericChemistry #science
#aeromma #gothaam #staqs #cupids #nymets #AtmosChem #AtmosphericChemistry #AirQuality
Diurnal and seasonal cycles of ethylene oxide in Billerica, MA, based on data from Aerodyne Research, Inc.
#AtmosphericChemistry #AtmosChem #AirQuality
Diurnal and seasonal cycles of ethylene oxide, based on data from Aerodyne Research, Inc.
#AtmosphericChemistry #AtmosChem #AirQuality
@rachelOB1 @H_Herrmann24 @subu_caps @vfmcneill one or two relevant hashtags in the middle of a toot is okay. I'm not sure if you've ever tried screen readers, but they go quite fast and the hashtags can be ignored. Hashtagging every word (or 3 or more words in a row) is a bigger issue that a few scattered through a toot.
Also use CamelCase in hashtags (e.g. #AtmosphericChemistry, #AirQuality) - that makes it much easier for screen readers.
(Not a screen reader user myself)
#AtmosphericChemistry #AirQuality
I'll do a real #Introduction later. Have some random hashtags instead:
But also:
#introduction #AtmosphericChemistry #AtmosChem #StableIsotopes #StableIsotopeGeochemistry #AirSensors #AirQuality #AirPollution #VolatileOrganicCompounds #VOCs #ClumpAllTheThings #Methane #GreenhouseGases #SulfurMIF #Photochemistry #Formaldehyde #HCHO #MassSpectrometry #GasChromatography #Spectroscopy #pfas #Ozone #NitrogenDioxide #NAAQS #AirToxics #KORUSAQ #UWFPS #LMOS #LISTOS #LongIslandSound2023 #MIT #Neurodiversity #DisabilityJustice