Reminder For #EU #CA #UK
#Postdoc #WomenInSTEM.
January 31 is final day
to apply for
Internal Research Fellow
with @ESA@twitter
Earth Observation Mission Mgmt team
for #EarthCare mission.
Position location: ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.
A track record in cloud & aerosol remote sensing, Cloudradar, Lidar and/or EO algorithm development.
#atmosphericphysics #meteorology #engineering #Fediscience #mastodonacademia
#eu #ca #uk #postdoc #womeninstem #earthcare #AtmosphericPhysics #meteorology #engineering #Fediscience #mastodonacademia
Edwin L. Aguirre - Mathew Barlow's Animation Shows Shockwave Traveling Across the Globe:
#HungaTonga #Tonga #VolcanicEruption #Shockwave #GOESWest #AtmosphericPhysics #ComputerModeling
#ComputerModeling #AtmosphericPhysics #goeswest #shockwave #Volcaniceruption #tonga #HungaTonga
Matt Williams - Titan’s #Atmosphere Recreated in an Earth Laboratory (Imaging #Titan's #OrganicHaze at Atomic Scale, by Fabian Schulz, Julien Maillard, Katharina Kaiser, et al.):
#AtmosphericPhysics #Astrobiology #OrganicMolecules #Methane #Nitrogen #IBM
#ibm #Nitrogen #methane #OrganicMolecules #Astrobiology #AtmosphericPhysics #OrganicHaze #titan #atmosphere