Day 3 of #ICOLS2023 !
Just a few talks today, as we went for an excursion after lunch. But still very interesting and relevant topics: #quantum #entanglement in #AtomInterferometry, a quantum system to emulate the complicated physics of glass, some more steps towards #QuantumComputing and an overview of miniaturized lasers for our experiments - trying to get rid of tables full of optical elements and lasers!
#quantumcomputing #AtomInterferometry #entanglement #quantum #icols2023
Day 2 of #ICOLS2023 !
The topics of the talks today ranged from X-ray #spectroscopy to different applications and ideas around #UltracoldMolecules - including some deep dives into chemistry!
The talk program finished with our professor's introduction to #AtomInterferometry and an overview of what you can do with it - on earth and in space (basically everything!).
Then we had a really nice poster sessions with many fruitful discussions (I mainly quizzed the atom interferometry people).
#AtomInterferometry #ultracoldmolecules #spectroscopy #icols2023
Day 1 of #ICOLS2023 !
We heard some very exciting invited talks about the latest developments in testing fundamental physics with #quantum systems and using arrays of cold molecules or atoms for quantum computation and simulation.
Then there was the poster session where I presented the latest updates on our #VLBAI #AtomInterferometry apparatus and preliminary results of my matter-wave lensing experiments with rubidium.
There were so many interesting and exciting discussions!
#AtomInterferometry #VLBAI #quantum #icols2023
I spent the last 6.5 years setting up a source of #UltraCold atoms for #AtomInterferometry, and now it has finally moved to its final destination to launch the atoms into our 10m high vacuum tower! So happy to see it in place 😍
The photo says it all:
#physics #quantum #AtomInterferometry #ultracold
I will give a talk tomorrow at the #DPG #SAMOP23 meeting in Hannover - and it's the last event of the entire conference. Hope to see at least a few people except for the local colleagues in the audience!
Topic of the talk: "#BEC #AtomInterferometry techniques for very long baselines"
#AtomInterferometry #bec #samop23 #dpg
We're looking for a new #PhD colleague for our 10m #AtomInterferometry facility in Hannover, Germany! If you want to work on something BIG (literally), come join us!
#Quantum #Gravimetry #Physics
#physics #gravimetry #quantum #AtomInterferometry #phd
Sharing this again, because it has recently been illustrated with a few new photos:
I gave a short interview to explain why we are building the #VLBAI - a 10m high free fall tower for #UltracoldAtoms and #AtomInterferometry. I talked about how this works, why this is interesting for #Gravimetry, and what kind of challenges we need to overcome!
Find it here:
#physics #Fediscience #gravimetry #AtomInterferometry #ultracoldatoms #VLBAI
Today, I gave a lab tour of our #VLBAI (Very Long Baseline #AtomInterferometry) facility to a class of high school students!
Their teacher was really enthusiastic, but I felt like talking to a wall of bored faces for the students - but then they asked quite a few clever questions ;)
I hope they went home with some idea how #Gravimetry with #QuantumSensors works and why Bose-Einstein condensates are cool (literally)!
[I also brought my new lab assistant to the tour]
#quantumsensors #gravimetry #AtomInterferometry #VLBAI
Hi, I'm Doro!
I'm a #physics #PhD student in Hannover, Germany! I experimentally work on #quantum sensors with #UltracoldAtoms, specifically on large-scale #AtomInterferometry!
I'm also a fan of open source software (#FOSS), #Linux, and I code in #python for work and for fun!
I'll use this account to post and boost about these topics, but you will also see a lot of #MastoArt boosted here! So many great artists here who deserve to be seen!
#introduction #physics #phd #quantum #ultracoldatoms #AtomInterferometry #foss #linux #python #mastoart