Just because we see a privacy issue that doesn't mean we are against a better way forward than the usual BTC transactions.

We wonder whether into , which are better suited to might be better and more workable, moving forward.

What do you think?

#AtomicSwaps #privacycoins #microtransactions

Last updated 3 years ago


One question, that we've not seen answered, is what does is use? Is it the same as bitcoin facilitating or is it different?

Indeed articles we've seen don't even touch on basics such as whether its , or . Its a huge oversight and maybe a deliberate attempt by to maintain a level of ignorance.

By dumbing down the details, they can avoid proper scruitiny.

#HashingAlgorithm #AtomicSwaps #proofofwork #proofofstake #ProofOfBrainActivity #corporateSponsored #searchengines

Last updated 4 years ago


> Captchas

If they're , don't require , nor from part of a that serves then we support them. In fact they are important to prevent for - a documented problem.

> re crycry's PoW being illegitimate

PoW is simply needed for trustless systems. The byProduct, , is not inherently a bad thing. We and other forwardLooking can think of many uses for heat. :)

#foss #javascript #neuralnetwork #bigtech #OptionsAbuse #AtomicSwaps #heat #entrepreneurs

Last updated 4 years ago

When you wrote "CC" we assumed creditCard, but nice to know is stealing that mantle.

We're interested in in guilds (eg. between etc).

Then there's , so you can exchange for say, another crypto without a thirdParty custodian like an exchange. For it to work though the other crypto needs to be compatible, needs to use the same encryption method. Has other (solvable) issues.

#crypto #LightningNetworks #organicallyCertified #growers #retailers #AtomicSwaps #btc #gametheory

Last updated 4 years ago

What is the status on ?

Is it still a pipedream, and if so, what precisely is holding back progress?


Last updated 4 years ago

Are possible yet between major and yet?

#AtomicSwaps #zeroknowledge #cryptocurrencies

Last updated 5 years ago