As for #introductions
I am a new #mom working for a #tech company in a #data role.
I read about #geopolitics, #HumanRights, #programming, #infosec, and #defense but am writing narrowly about my experience as a #mom.
My challenge for this account is I write and hit Publish mostly real time, so it's likely far from perfect.
#MomsOfMastodon #WorkingMom #attachment #AttachmentTheory #parenting #authenticity #poetry #writing #LGBTQIAally #BLM
#introductions #mom #tech #data #geopolitics #humanrights #programming #infosec #defense #momsofmastodon #workingmom #attachment #AttachmentTheory #parenting #authenticity #poetry #writing #LGBTQIAAlly #blm
Drew the last line of my recent ramble. “I hope to one day feel loved as one feels sunlight warm upon their skin.” #AttachmentTheory
Drew the last line of my recent ramble. “I hope to one day feel loved as one feels sunlight warm upon their skin.” #AttachmentTheory
I'm a huge fan of #InterpersonalNeurobiology (Siegel, Badenoch, Stanley, Schore et al). It has been _the_ integrating factor in #psychotherapy for me.
The model which tells me how #ObjectRelations and #CoreConditions join up, how #AttachmentTheory and #Existential concerns interrelate, and why cognition based approaches only scratch the surface while transference is real and embodied.
I think I'll get around to some more posts at some point, on how IB can bridge all these.
#interpersonalneurobiology #psychotherapy #objectrelations #coreconditions #AttachmentTheory #existential
This excerpt from her book "The Nurture Assumption" (Harris, 1998, p. 150-151) which you too can subject yourself to by visiting graciously hosted by the @internetarchive seeks to refute #AttachmentTheory by asserting "I don't agree", which is frankly bold in a way I love but find scientifically specious. #ChildDevelopment
#AttachmentTheory #childdevelopment