One of the Youtube channels that I enjoy watching is Jet Lag: The Game from Sam Denby of Wendover Productions. They are currently on season 5 where they’re racing around New Zealand:
I was however disappointed to see that they’re using #OpenStreetMap without providing any attribution either in the end credits or on the video description.
This sucks a bit because in the past 4 seasons, they were definitely *not* using OSM. (Yup, I checked.)
#OpenStreetMap #jetlagthegame #Attribution
What I‘m currently working on: DGAP e.V. reported on instagram about my policy project as a Young DGAP Fellow. Here‘s a snippet from the instagram post: #LossAndDamage #Attribution
What I‘m currently working on: DGAP e.V. reported on instagram about my policy project as a Young DGAP Fellow. Here‘s a snippet from the instagram post: #LossAndDamage #Attribution
Quelqu'un a-t-il essayé ?
Did somebody tried it ?
Felt – The best way to make maps on the internet
Corrigé !
Derrière ce [ i ] se cache l'attribution.
(Spoiler : C'était pas simple de les contacter. 🙃)
Quelqu'un saurait commenter contacter / / / ?
Leur carte #OpenStreetMap n'a toujours pas l'#attribution requise, et je n'ai pas de réponse à ma demande formulée il y a 1 mois sur leur site (
Quelqu'un saurait commenter contacter / / / ?
Leur carte #OpenStreetMap n'a toujours pas l'#attribution requise, et je n'ai pas de réponse à ma demande formulée il y a 1 mois sur leur site (
Quelqu'un saurait commenter contacter / / / ?
Leur carte #OpenStreetMap n'a toujours pas l'#attribution requise, et je n'ai pas de réponse à ma demande formulée il y a 1 mois sur leur site (
We need to talk about your map (, who's powered by OSM datas but don't shows the required #attribution « © OpenStreetMap contributors » as required by the license ( 😶
Thanks by advance !
The “Navigating #OpenStreetMap” report by #Accenture recommends 10 best practices to help businesses “navigate the platform”:
Good to see number 4 is “Understand the guidelines and how to comply with the license and #attribution requirements.”
#OpenStreetMap #accenture #Attribution #BestPractices