Today, April 18, in 1800, lieutenant Jack Aubrey meets physician Stephen Maturin at a concert at the Governor’s Mansion, beginning their long friendship (Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, 2003)
#Film #Movies #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #MasterAndCommander #AubreyMaturin
#film #movies #cinemastodon #letterboxd #masterandcommander #AubreyMaturin
A very happy Christmas to all MASTER AND COMMANDER/AUBREY-MATURIN affectionados out there!
An extra ration of rum for all! Splice the mainbrace! Cheers!
#PatrickOBrian #cheers #navalfiction #masterandcommander #AubreyMaturin #merrychristmas
Christmas Eve,...time to get this cookbook out!
#cooking #stephenmaturin #jackaubrey #lobscouseandspotteddog #AubreyMaturin #PatrickOBrian #masterandcommander
Maritime Christmas Mood:
HMS Surprise 🎅
#thedearsurprise #AubreyMaturin #PatrickOBrian #masterandcommander #hmssurprise #christmas
@whiskeysailor Similarly, I've been reading the series more and more slowly, since I don't want it to end.