So I have a pretty weird #debian stable setup. I've uninstalled #obs via #flatpak and added via #distrobox an #ubuntu 22.04 and then installed the official obs package. I also have and #archlinux distrobox where I currently have #audacium installed.
I am having a blast with Debian stable!
#debian #obs #flatpak #distrobox #ubuntu #archlinux #Audacium
@gperson So what will be merged? Well, we will merge Audacium's themes, so you will now get them in Tenacity!
And that's what we have for now. More might come, but only time will tell. Either way, we'd like to welcome AnErrupTion to the team!
Something exciting was just announced: Audacium is merging with Tenacity!
@gperson (who's writing this post), the new maintainer of Tenacity, contacted the maintainer through Matrix, making a proposal to merge Audacium with Tenacity. They accepted the proposal and both talked about ideas for Tenacity, including backporting some Audacity 3.2 features like realtime effects and a new Qt GUI. Then, an announcement was made about the merge.
Das ist jetzt ärgerlich … Es gibt 2 #Audacity Forks: #Audacium & #Tenacity. Der Aufwand für ersteren schien niedriger und #paru begann mit der Kompilierung. Nach mehreren Minuten, ich schätze kurz vorm Ende, dann der Abbruch: Ein Fehler geschah im build().
Also doch Tenacity Installation gestartet. Der PC kam richtig ins Schwitzen. Kilometer lang laufen Texte über den Monitor. Es dauert schon doppelt so lange wie beim ersten Versuch. Passwort wird zwischendurch verlangt. Dann … Ein Fehler geschah im build() … Abbruch.
*arrrggghhh* *grml* 😤
#paru #Tenacity #Audacium #AudaCity