Regarding this century's proliferation of #audiobooks and the number of grumps who feel the need to bemoan it...
There was a time not so long ago when popular music was circulated in paper form. Someone would have to actually play it, possibly with an accompanying singer.
And then came the recordings. You can say what you will about a particular performance, but calling it "not real music" or "not the real song" is ridiculous.
#books #bookstodon #audiobooksAreBooks #AudioBooksCountAsReading
#audiobooks #books #bookstodon #audiobooksarebooks #AudioBooksCountAsReading
Audiobooks are reading, just like using an ebook reader, a bound book, an app, or any other format is still reading.
Don’t be elitist, just✨let people enjoy things✨however works best for them.
Plus, if it’s a big book and there’s a cat on your lap, it’s tiring to hold the up all the time. Or sometimes the cat lays on the book.
#books #bookstodon #cats #gatekeeiping #DisabilityAccess #ebook #audiobooks #audiobookscountasreading
#books #bookstodon #cats #gatekeeiping #DisabilityAccess #ebook #audiobooks #AudioBooksCountAsReading
Audiobooks are reading, just like using an ebook reader, a bound book, an app, or any other format is still reading.
Don’t be elitist, just ✨let people enjoy things✨ however works best for them.
Plus, if it’s a big book and there’s a cat on your lap, it’s tiring to hold the book up all the time. Or sometimes the cat lays on the book.
#books #bookstodon #cats #gatekeeping #DisabilityAccess #ebook #audiobooks #audiobookscountasreading
#books #bookstodon #cats #DisabilityAccess #ebook #audiobooks #AudioBooksCountAsReading #gatekeeping
Credit: yes, it indeed was @blindscribe whom I got that thought from! Thanks!
He even made it a Hashtag:
Is it trendy to wear your shirts backwards? This is an important message, after all! #AudioBooksCountAsReading #Audiobooks #AmReading #ReadingCommunity
#ReadingCommunity #amreading #audiobooks #AudioBooksCountAsReading