I love the #Audm app: it basically does for long-form journalism what #Audible does for audiobooks. The only snag is that an editorial team decides which articles get commissioned for recordings, and often ones that I’d like to listen to aren’t available. I don’t think this would work for scholarly writing (because of style, jargon, and the superfluity of citations), but having narrators make literary/political/investigative #journalism available in audio is actually a really fantastic thing.
He Had a Dark Secret. It Changed His Best Friend’s Life. in the Audm app. Published by The New York Times. Written by Sam Dolnick. https://share.audm.com/share/nyt-core/had-dark-secret-dolnick #audm #chinatown #immigration #newyork #newyorkstories
#newyorkstories #NewYork #immigration #chinatown #Audm