In Ancient Rome they’d watch or listen to birds from the gods.
Wikipedia- “The chickens were kept in a cage under the care of the pullarius (keeper of the auspice chickens) who, when the time came, released the chickens and threw at them some form of bread or cake. If the chickens refused to come out or eat, or uttered a cry, or beat their wings, or flew away, the signs were unfavourable.”
#ancientpolitics #ancientreligion #chickens #auspices #Augury
Anyone into #augury or #Ornithomancy? What does it mean when five seagulls chasing a duck swoop low across your living room window? That has to be an #omen of something, right? #MythologyMonday
#mythologymonday #omen #ornithomancy #Augury
Day 4, cleromancy & augury. Kinda half-assed, today i spent more time cleaning than arting.
#FOTD22 #cleromancy #augury #fortunetelling #readingtealeaves #octoberartprompts
#octoberartprompts #readingtealeaves #fortunetelling #Augury #cleromancy #FOTD22
#US Military Bought Mass Monitoring Tool That Includes Internet Browsing, Email Data
The #Augury platform includes highly sensitive network data that #TeamCymru, a private company, is selling to the military.
#us #Augury #TeamCymru #Internet #internetsecurity #privacy #security #motherboard
Das US-Militär hat Millionen von Dollar für ein leistungsstarkes Internet-Überwachungstool ("Augury") ausgegeben, das Browsing-Daten, E-Mail-Daten, Cookies und mehr enthält. Die Daten sind weltweit, decken 90%+ des Internets ab, werden von ISPs gesammelt und dann von privaten Unternehmen an das Militär verkauft.