Global News BC: 40 unmarked children’s graves found at former residential school in Sechelt B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Augustine'sIndianResidentialSchoolgraves #Augustine'sIndianResidentialSchool #Secheltfomerresidentialschool #shíshálhNationunmarkedgraves #BCresidentialschoolgraves #Secheltresidentialschool #CanadaResidentialSchool #ResidentialSchools #ResidentialSchool #shíshálhnation
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Augustine #secheltfomerresidentialschool #shishalhnationunmarkedgraves #bcresidentialschoolgraves #secheltresidentialschool #canadaresidentialschool #residentialschools #residentialschool #shishalhnation
"...the #Word of #God is thy adversary, if thou be a friend to thy ungodliness; but if thou art an adversary to thy ungodliness, the Word of God is thy friend, as well as the adversary of thy ungodliness.…"
- #Augustine , Exposition on Ps. 36
(Full Citation: Augustine of Hippo, “Expositions on the Book of Psalms,” in Saint Augustin: Expositions on the Book of Psalms, ed. Philip Schaff, trans. A. Cleveland Coxe, vol. 8, N&PNCF, First Series (New York: Christian Literature Company, 1888), 86.)
A translation query in Augustine’s “Treatise against the Jews”
I received today an interesting query about an old post from 2015 in which I give an English translation of Augustine's Adversus Judaeos. This involves some looking up, so I thought I would blog about it.
Daniel Boyarin's "Carnal Israel" begins with a brief quote from Augustine's Tractatus...
#Against the Jews #Augustine
Augustine's "Treatise against the Jews"
Augustine's Tractatus adversus Judaeos (Treatise against the Jews) is probably unfamiliar to most of us. This short work - a homily, or a pamphlet - is printed in the Patrologia Latina vol. 42, cols 51-64.[ref]Online here. A French translation by Aubert (1897) may be found online here.[/ref] But I was quite unaware that an...
#Against the Jews #Augustine #Matthew 27
What is time then? If nobody asks me, I know; but if I were desirous to explain it to one that should ask me, plainly I do not know.
Who have been the top five most #influential #theologians in your life?
For me:
1. Herman #Bavinck
2. #Augustine of Hippo
3. J. I. #Packer
4. Gordon #Fee
5. #Bonaventure of Bagnoregio
Your turn! …
@theologidons #theologidons
#religion #theology #formation
#influential #theologians #bavinck #Augustine #packer #fee #bonaventure #theologidons #religion #theology #formation
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page" — Saint Augustine #travel #quotes #MotivationalQuotes #TravelQuotes #Augustine #SaintAugustine
#TravelQuotes #travel #quotes #motivationalquotes #Augustine #saintaugustine
Turning and turning he opens to read
The Word of the Lord in the words of St Paul:
‘Lust and debauchery, revelry, rivalry,
Now is the time to wake from your sleep.’
Eloquent professor professes his call.
Now, no procrastination, delay;
Later is now, tomorrow today.
© Graham Kings, Nourishing Connections (Canterbury Press, 2020).
(3/3) #theology #theologidons #Augustine #conversion #Advent
#theology #theologidons #Augustine #conversion #advent
Drifting, insisting the voice of a child:
‘Tolle, lege: take it and read.
Tolle, lege: take it and read.’
Vocative discourse spoken by God,
Evocative sing-song challenge of a child.
(2/3) #theology #theologidons #Augustine
#theology #theologidons #Augustine
Turning Point: #Augustine by @GrahamRKings
Stalking in the garden in the heat of the moment,
Reflecting on complexity of voluntary movement,
Slunk in listless and leaden despair,
Tangled, contorted and tearing his hair,
Rapping his head and wrapping his knees,
Rabidly ravaging under the trees,
Wanting to wait and waiting to want,
Weighing the longing of laying and font,
Augustine hears the Word of the Lord
(1/3) #theology
Turning Point: #Augustine by @GrahamRKings
Stalking in the garden in the heat of the moment,
Reflecting on complexity of voluntary movement,
Slunk in listless and leaden despair,
Tangled, contorted and tearing his hair,
Rapping his head and wrapping his knees,
Rabidly ravaging under the trees,
Wanting to wait and waiting to want,
Weighing the longing of laying and font,
Augustine hears the Word of the Lord
Oh brave new interface, that has such people in it!
I'm a professor of #Philosophy and #Classics at #umich, specializing in Greek and Roman philosophy, esp. the philosophy of mind (#intentionality, #consciousness, #MindBody, #perception). I have published mostly on #Aristotle and the #Stoics, but have interests from #Parmenides and #Gorgias through #Augustine.
I love #BaroqueOpera, #KingCrimson, and the game of #Go.
#philosophy #classics #umich #intentionality #consciousness #mindbody #perception #aristotle #stoics #Parmenides #Gorgias #Augustine #baroqueopera #kingcrimson #go
In the letters of #Augustine (Epp. 209 and 20*), he discusses mistake of getting Antoninus appointed bishop of Fussala. One of the reasons Augustine gives for suggesting Antoninus for the see is the belief that Antoninus knows the 'Punic' language (though this may actually refer to what we would call proto-Berber). Without getting into too many details from the letters, one way of understanding the concern for having a 'Punic' speaker as bishop is for Church officials to know what...