Auch etwas vorgeblich so harmloses und positives wie Freue oder Spaß ist keineswegs unpolitisch und - vor allem - kapitalistisch überformt:
#musik #kapitalismus #AusDemZettelkasten
Wir sollten immer genauer darauf achten, was und wem wir unsere spärliche Aufmerksamkeit widmen:
Eine automatisierte "Kunst" ist nicht "demokratisch". Demokratisch wäre es, die Fähigkeiten und Techniken flächendeckend zu vermitteln und Raum für künstlerische Tätigkeit zu schaffen:
💭 Sehr schön formuliert von Julian Baggini über unser heutiges Verhältnis zu Haustieren.
Interessante Einschätzung zur #Bundesliga im Gegenpressing-Newsletter:
"However, this isn’t a roast of the German top-flight. Far from it. In fact, the league’s prudent approach to fiscal responsibility and loyalty to its core product - the fans themselves - may ultimately prove to be a winning strategy in the long run when we consider the current state of European football"
#AusDemZettelkasten #bundesliga
In der Philosophiegeschichte lassen sich vier “Generationen” von Skeptizismus gegenüber definitiven (wissenschaftlichen) Aussagen identifizieren, deren früheste in das antike Griechenland zurück reicht.
📑 Martha Nussbaum mit provokanten aber bedenkenswerten Thesen zur Verantwortung des Menschen gegenüber Wildtieren:
"antelopes were not made to be food; they were made to live antelope lives. The fact that so often they do not get to live those lives is a problem, and since we are in charge everywhere we need to figure out how much we can and should do about it"
📑 Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Gamedesign bei politischen Entscheidungen:
"welfarism [...] “trivializes what it means to be harmed while ignoring the diverse forms of harm and ways people can be harmed"
"As a result, there’s a shift from the moment where you make a choice – presented ‘objectively’ in terms of resource costs and impact on metrics – to the realized and personal impact it has"
Dazu passt sehr gut Vinsel und Russels Forderung nach einem "positiven #Materialismus":
"On one side is a kind of consumerism that celebrates the rapid consumption of disposable things. On the other are traditions that criticize “materialism” and assert that objects are not the answer to our soul’s desires. What’s missing is a kind of positive materialism that recognizes the deep pleasure and meaning that can accompany physical realities"
In: The Innovation Delusion
#AusDemZettelkasten #materialismus
📑 Kyle Chayka über den Instagram-#Minimalismus:
"Minimalism, I came to think, isn’t necessarily a voluntary personal choice but an inevitable societal and cultural shift responding to the experience of living through the 2000s."
" Minimalism is thus a kind of last resort. When we can’t control our material security or life path, the only possibility left is to lower our expectations to the point where they’re easier to achieve"
In: The Longing for Less von Kyle Chayka
#AusDemZettelkasten #minimalismus
📑 Was in ostasiatischen Philosophien als #GutesLeben gilt:
"In the Korean tradition of philosophy, human beings are social beings, therefore knowing how to interact with others is an essential part of living a good life – indeed, living well with others is our real contribution to human life"
"This inborn tendency for goodness is always in danger of being reduced to passivity, unless you cultivate yourself as a person of ‘humanity'"
#AusDemZettelkasten #gutesleben
#ChatGPT ist wohl in der Lage, eine Linux-Konsole zu simulieren und korrekte Antworten auf Befehle zu liefern. Aber:
"ChatGPT comes up with its best guess as to the result in 10 seconds, and that guess is so likely to be right that it feels like it is an actual computer executing the code in question"
Damit wird die Chat-AI zum ultimativen real world Chinese Room, der korrekt wirkende Antworten liefert, ohne zu verstehen.
Was unterscheidet einen analog-analogen #Zettelkasten von dem, was aktuell in der #PKM-Community als Zettelkasten verkauft wird? Gut auf den Punkt gebracht von @hirnbloggade:
"So hypertext with sequentiality offers the reader the option to follow the author's thoughts in a linear way, but also the option to deviate from that path."
Dazu passen meine Überlegungen zur #Entropie bei nicht-linearen Notizen:
#AusDemZettelkasten #entropie #pkm #zettelkasten
Jon Baines über das (zu) gute Design im aktuellen Spielehit:
"but as with the consumerist fulfilment offered by the average billboard, the promise of ‘interesting gameplay’ is rarely delivered.
In this way, by design, Ragnarök expertly holds the mind in a levitated state between boredom and enjoyment. There’s always just enough to do, but little that demands real focus, as colours and shapes elicit a Pavlovian response"
#AusDemZettelkasten #GodOfWarRagnarok
Interviews mit Lorraine Daston sind einfach immer gehaltvoll:
"But what Kuhn ends up thinking is that you’ve got to historicize science, you’ve got to understand it in its own terms, you’ve got to understand it not in terms of what we think now—in which latter case, the history of science is merely a history of errors. [...]
So we need a philosophical remake of the concept of truth that does justice to the historical dynamism of science"
Etwas zum Nachdenken:
"Don’t look for every moment to be a 10, she told him. Sometimes you have to celebrate the fours, fives and sixes"
"It turns out I really don’t need life to always be a 10. A nice, solid six would be nice. Tonight I’d even go with a four. We’d be very happy to rest here, at four."
Schöne Pointierung vieler Diskussionen zwischen "Jungen" und "Alten":
💬 “You don’t know what you’re missing,”
💬 “You don’t understand what you’re getting.”
📑 Evan Puschak über #Cyberpunk:
"Maybe that’s why these stories comfort me. Cyberpunk turns those messy feelings into a place, where it’s no longer necessary to resist the splintering pressures of society because the fight’s over and we lost. All that’s left is to submit to the carnival of sensations. In a cyberpunk future, I can let go. I can melt into the prismatic flux of civilization."
aus: Escape into Meaning von Evan Puschak
#sciencefiction #AusDemZettelkasten #cyberpunk
Wirklich jedes Mal, wenn ich etwas neues von @adapalmer lese, blicke ich danach anders auf die Welt und die Geschichte. Wie jetzt auch wieder nach ihrem Essay über die "Educability" :
"a consistent defining characteristic of conservative thought over time is the belief that some people are better at ruling than others, thus that the best way to run a government and society is to put those superior people in power."
Why @sociology is so important:
"Is the world you live in every day made more from rocks and grass and trees, or from articles, certificates, records, files and letters?"
Steven Hall: Maxwell's Demon, Loc. 818