· @DavidT
37 followers · 1347 posts · Server climatejustice.social

RT @bigjimsta@twitter.com

Great interview by Laura Tingle with AG Mark Dreyfus, totally dispelling all the LNP talking points regarding the . Welcome back Laura

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/bigjimsta/status/1

#voice #abc730 #AusPol2022

Last updated 2 years ago

svegress · @Svegress
21 followers · 115 posts · Server twit.social

@sister_ratched Very true. I am particularly careful, if I am talking Oz to make sure that I am in context. At least we have a Mastodon and . I have chosen to be on a US server because I have a strong interest in the tech discussions and so it makes it harder for local stuff. Oh well, you win some and lose some! You may consider moving to a more Oz-centric server. Suggestions at peak.nz/2022/11/11/australian-

#auspol #AusPol2022 #photography

Last updated 2 years ago

Simon Katterl · @simonkatterl
407 followers · 60 posts · Server aus.social

Irony reached hitherto unseen levels today when Keneally called out Rudd from being a narcissist.


Last updated 2 years ago

Col · @The_Colbobs
389 followers · 4710 posts · Server mstdn.social
Angelica · @Angelica
176 followers · 163 posts · Server mastodon.world

How are the reactor vessels for Hinkey Point C so small? It's 1,600MW per reactor 🀯

RT @thjr19@twitter.com

First reactor vessel for Hinkley Point C completed

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/thjr19/status/1604

#nuclear #uranium #thorium #repeal140a #auspol #AusPol2022

Last updated 2 years ago

Angelica · @Angelica
176 followers · 163 posts · Server mastodon.world
blakandblack · @blakandblack
763 followers · 2322 posts · Server aus.social

RT @fehowarth@twitter.com

Same as when they or their associations (unions) spent 20 million in the Rudd/Gillard years. twitter.com/blakandblack/statu

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/fehowarth/status/1

#auspol #albopm #nswpol #AusPol2022 #nacc #auspoll

Last updated 2 years ago

A White Dingo · @awhitedingo
49 followers · 74 posts · Server aus.social

RT @awhitedingo@twitter.com

@Qldaah@twitter.com @ElaineM11584892@twitter.com Scott Morrison:
"I am a Liar.. I will never tell a lie.. sucker!"
Β  .

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/awhitedingo/status

#auspol #AusPol2022 #scottythepathologicalliar #ScottyTheCompletePsycho #elections2022 #AlboForPM #lnpcorruptionparty

Last updated 2 years ago

· @EndemicEarthling
80 followers · 132 posts · Server todon.eu

Did you know: there are protesters in Australia who allegedly committed acts that just a few months ago would have been legally considered minor traffic offences, yet who are now facing months or years locked up, and are currently under bail conditions that effectively prevent them from going online at all, from being able to contact many/most of their friends, and who are subject to the complete loss of any right to privacy (being able to have all their devices searched by police at any point, and they must share any passwords)? And all this without yet having been convicted of any crime, while awaiting trial for alleged offences that just nine months ago would have most likely been resolved with a fine of a few hundred dollars.

#criminalisationofdissent #auspol #freevioletcoco #AusPol2022 #nswpol

Last updated 2 years ago

The inestimable Richard Ackland has an irregular newsletter for which I'm only too willing to shell out $120/pa despite my miniscule stipend. This week's was the usual doozy. Samples ~

"Meanwhile, [in the SMH] Bookshelves Brandis was offering his insights into Gough Whitlam.Β 

"Former barrister Geoffrey Gibson passed on the observation that Brandis writing about Gough is like asking a child to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

"The former AG and high commissioner referred to Whitlam’s deputy, Lance Barnard, as β€œa self-effacing Tasmanian trade unionist who began life as a logger”, which rather ignores the fact that he fought at El Alamein and was a teacher of mathematics.Β "


"That was a swell Christmas gathering on the lawns at Le Manoir, Uday Murdoch’s pile in Bellevue Hill.

"Adornments like porcelain sink urinator Col Allan, the Blot, Rita Piranha, and Meathead Murray from After Dark, mingled with the adorable Taylors, Angus and Louise; captains of industry; bankers; Grouper Greg Sheridan sporting a fresh rinse of Grecian 2000; the Mad Monk; Alan Joyce; Celebrity Sue Chrysanthou; and Senator Sarah Henderson, seen gnawing on the leg of a table."Β 


"Gone are the days when it was possible to turn up to The Australian Club in Sydney’s Macquarie Street for a quiet snifter after work.Β 

"Now you’re likely to discover that new member Brother Scott has plonked himself in your favourite Chesterfield.Β 

"Retreating to the the library, you find Benito Dutton moving his lips as he slowly reads the law and order stories in the Daily Smellograph. Like Schmo, he’s another new member nominated by Little Winston Howard.Β 

"It’s impossible to avoid Winston himself as he virtually lives at the crusty establishment.

"With the place being stacked with rusticated dross from the Nasty Party, traditional members are staying away – taking cheese sandwiches at the office instead."

If you want more, cough upπŸ˜€


#auspol #AusPol2022

Last updated 2 years ago

blakandblack · @blakandblack
686 followers · 1798 posts · Server aus.social

RT @fehowarth@twitter.com

What we need to know is where the research journal came from. Did the juror have connections to the police or defence? Was it left of purpose? Did the juror use it to influence other jurors? twitter.com/blakandblack/statu

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/fehowarth/status/1

#auspol #albopm #AusPol2022 #nswpol #auspoll

Last updated 2 years ago

· @EndemicEarthling
59 followers · 108 posts · Server todon.eu
· @EndemicEarthling
59 followers · 107 posts · Server todon.eu

@oliverromain Making interest paid by on their extra houses tax deductible was done in Australia in the 1990s and it significantly accelerated inequality (esp generational inequality) by pushing up property prices. This might sound great in the short term if you're hoarding houses, but comes back to bite everyone in a thousand different ways. It's a dangerous trap. Rates of home ownership have plummeted as more houses end up in fewer hands.
Adam Smith and Karl Marx agree on this one: landlords are hoarding a necessity and are not a legit business.
Want to save rural towns? Campaign to abolish tax breaks on interest for those selling holiday accommodation. And for the principle that that comes before anyone's right to maximise personal or corporate profit.

#landlords #housingisahumanright #ukpol #auspol #housing #LandlordsAreCausingInflation #AusPol2022 #landlordsareparasites #housingcrisis

Last updated 2 years ago

SuzanneC · @SuzanneC
9 followers · 149 posts · Server mastodon.top


RT @DarrenODonovan@twitter.com

Section 8 of the Social Security Administration Act states as follows. We have a duty to support people. It is fundamental. How low we have sunk.

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/DarrenODonovan/sta

#auspol #AusPol2022 #RobodebtRC

Last updated 2 years ago

Aphasia and arse-covering continues in Hearing Block 2 at the
Gripping forensic ringfencing of witnesses by Angus Scott KC - and the usual depressed sighs of exasperation by all half-million victims.


#RobodebtRC #auspol #AusPol2022 #robodebt

Last updated 2 years ago

Your friendly reminder that excavations have resumed on the shitshow that was over at the .
Rick Morton @SquigglyRick@twitter.com and Darren O'Donovan @DarrenODonovan@twitter.com are gallantly tweeting blow by blows (Mastodonners, they're on the birdsite).


#robodebt #RobodebtRC #auspol #AusPol2022

Last updated 2 years ago

Linda Pam · @LindaPam
43 followers · 120 posts · Server aus.social

Help! At the end of the yearly wrap included a snip of the parliamentarian who gives an annual rhyming speech. Haven’t seen it in full - anyone have a link? Usually really good.

#insiders #auspol #AusPol2022

Last updated 2 years ago

Lord Sir T-Dog · @BankstownBoy
38 followers · 148 posts · Server aus.social

RT @jmil400@twitter.com

voted against censuring . I hope the electors of feel vindicated by the choice they made in the Federal Election.
Dai Lea is a Liberal…and a right-wing Liberal at that.

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/jmil400/status/159

#dailea #scottmorrison #fowler #AusPol2022

Last updated 2 years ago

Hmm, is Nine's SMH starting to polish up Benito for the next term? Guess there'll be a lot more of this PR stuff coming.


#auspol #AusPol2022

Last updated 2 years ago