Top tier!
Both Hobbys were back this morning. Here’s one of them absolutely sticking its landing on return from a strafing flyby.
#WildOz #OzBirds #WildMelbourne #AustralianHobby #Raptor #WildlifeVideography #Raptor
#wildoz #ozbirds #wildmelbourne #AustralianHobby #raptor #wildlifevideography
Wheels up!
Australian Hobby on the hunt using the town water tower as a vantage point. It is there most days around 7am and this is first time I’ve managed to get the light working for me.
Good birb.
#Raptor #AustralianHobby #WildOz #OzBirds #WildMelbourne #WildlifePhotography #BirdsInFlight
#raptor #AustralianHobby #wildoz #ozbirds #wildmelbourne #wildlifephotography #birdsinflight
Australian hobby stop the town’s water tower just looking. Wondered why there weren’t too many little birds about - now I know.
#raptors #AustralianHobby #WildOz #OzBirds #WildlifePhotography #Birds #Gembrook
#raptors #AustralianHobby #wildoz #ozbirds #wildlifephotography #birds #gembrook