Cryptocurrency as Money — Store of Value or Medium of Exchange?
#KristofferMoustenHansen #AustrianEconomics #Hans-HermannHoppe #subjectivevalue #AustrianSchool #LudwigvonMises #PreciousMetals #UnitofExchange #KarrasLambert #theoryofmoney #theoryofvalue #storeofvalue #CarlMenger #economics #austrian #debate #Op-Ed #Mises #money
#KristofferMoustenHansen #AustrianEconomics #hans #subjectivevalue #AustrianSchool #LudwigvonMises #PreciousMetals #UnitofExchange #KarrasLambert #theoryofmoney #theoryofvalue #storeofvalue #CarlMenger #economics #austrian #debate #Op #mises #money
This is Neoliberalism
Neoliberalism is an economic ideology that exists within the framework of capitalism. Over four decades ago, neoliberalism become the dominant economic paradigm of global society. In this video series, we'll trace the history of neoliberalism, starting with a survey of neoliberal philosophy and research, a historical reconstruction of the movement pushing for neoliberal policy solutions, witnessing the damage that neoliberalism did to its first victims in the developing world, and then charting neoliberalism's infiltration of the political systems of the United States and the United Kingdom. Learn how neoliberalism is generating crises for humanity at an unprecedented rate.
Long, excellent, fact-filled, accurate and critical history and background of #neoliberalism, #AustrianSchool #Libertarianism #ChicagoSchool and the #MontPelerin Society You may well find it dry but stick through, this is very good.
Creator #BarakalypseNow is worth following.
#neoliberalism #AustrianSchool #libertarianism #ChicagoSchool #MontPelerin #BarakalypseNow #video #podcast