Scotty :infinity_rainbow: · @ndvirons
48 followers · 130 posts · Server

@somecat @actuallyautistic

I really love sorting tools/hardware in my workshop. When I get into a project, I can be really ADD, just putting things where ever when I'm done with them, hyperfocused on finishing the project before I can't work on it any more, leaving the workshop a disaster when I'm done. ().

But then after, my AutisticBrain re-asserts itself and the next thing I do in the workshop is to put every tool back in it's spot, make new spots for things that don't have one, sort out all the screws and other hardware into appropriate bins, etc. etc. I LOVE this part - maybe more than the actual projects (which never quite turn out as perfect as my imagination wanted)

Thanks for the opportunity to share some , made my day better.

#AutDHD #autisticsparentingautistics #autisticJoy

Last updated 1 year ago

Jessica :infinity_rainbow: · @Jessica
1019 followers · 2312 posts · Server