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Sign up for my newsletter and get A Revelatory Christmas, a FREE and exclusive Fitzgeralds of Dublin Series prequel novelette, and be the first to hear my news and updates.
Isobel thought all families were like hers until she spent Christmas away from home…
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Sign up for my newsletter and get A Revelatory Christmas, a FREE and exclusive Fitzgeralds of Dublin Series prequel novelette, and be the first to hear my news and updates.
Isobel thought all families were like hers until she spent Christmas away from home…
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Sign up for my newsletter and get A Revelatory Christmas, a FREE and exclusive Fitzgeralds of Dublin Series prequel novelette, and be the first to hear my news and updates.
Isobel thought all families were like hers until she spent Christmas away from home…
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#newsletter #newslettersignup #authornews #AuthorNewsletter #historicalfiction #TheFitzgeraldsOfDublinSeries #irishbooks #IrishFiction #IrishHistoricalFiction #BooksByLornaPeel
Sign up for my newsletter and get A Revelatory Christmas, a FREE and exclusive Fitzgeralds of Dublin Series prequel novelette, and be the first to hear my news and updates.
Isobel thought all families were like hers until she spent Christmas away from home…
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#newsletter #newslettersignup #authornews #AuthorNewsletter #authornewslettersignup #historicalfiction #TheFitzgeraldsOfDublinSeries #irishbooks #IrishFiction #IrishHistoricalFiction #BooksByLornaPeel
Hey, did I ever mention that I have an author newsletter? And that I send it out only when I have authorial news (as opposed to random thoughts about eggnog)? And maybe that you can sign up for free at any page on my website, and also get a free copy of my cli-fi fantasy short story "A Wise and Patient Mother" when you do? I really should have mentioned that. #ShortStories #AuthorNewsletter #CliFi #Beowulf
#shortstories #AuthorNewsletter #clifi #beowulf
My Christmas Newsletter will be winging its way to my subscribers tomorrow.
If you haven't signed up yet, click here:
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#newsletter #newslettersignup #authornews #AuthorNewsletter #historicalfiction #christmasbooks #TheFitzgeraldsOfDublinSeries #BooksByLornaPeel
@danaiwrites Ahhh, then you definitely know 😅
I'm in a slightly different boat, but what I've done is set up, not a newsletter, but a webpage. It's a place to put things to say, when I've got something to say, but it's really no more commitment than I can afford.
(There's a blog there too, for small updates,
and quite likely nobody but me has looked at it ever)
#authorwebpage #AuthorNewsletter
Witness me: I actually put out an #AuthorNewsletter yesterday for the first time in a year and a half! And the previous one was a after a year gap. (And the one before that was sent out the week the US Covid lockdown started and the organization of my life turned upside down.)
I'm going to try to be kinder to myself this time around and not set unsustainable content goals. Just "something once a month, whatever it is."
(P.S., if you're interested
So The Great Social Media Crisis finally got me off my ass to send out another #AuthorNewsletter. If I manage one in December I'll consider myself back on the bicycle, as it were. Planning to do a subscriber recruitment push in December using an #Audiobook of #DaughterOfMystery giveaway as bait.
#AuthorNewsletter #audiobook #DaughterOfMystery