We've reached 30K on our #litrpg collaboration, but I also had to remind myself today that I *can* write (because my brain is convinced I've somehow lost the ability) and had a look at the beginning of my last published book and promptly spotted 2 errors in the first 2 chapters, so obviously now my brain has proof that I, in fact, cannot write.
#writingcommunity #AuthorProblems #litrpg
I’m not sure how to make this short story more exciting. I feel like the MC needs to face another complication before the resolution, but I can’t seem to figure out how to do it…
J.P. Brammer's advice to a writer who hates their "writing group" is too funny not to share: https://www.thecut.com/article/hola-papi-i-hate-my-writing-group.html
#advicecolumns #AuthorProblems #writinggroup
I’m getting the itch to have a proper cover made for TFS, especially as my stand-in cover was made by me using Wombo. But my problem is… I don’t really know what I want my cover to have on it! What do, fellow writers?
#writerlife #writerproblems #AuthorProblems #authorlife
I know the full story of my series already. I feel as if I've been living it for a decade, on a loop. Sometimes parts shift here and there, but the bones essentially remain the same. And sometimes I forget that parts of it haven't been actually written yet. That's always the weirdest bit.
#WriterProblems #Writer #Books #AuthorProblems #Author #WritersLife
#writerslife #author #AuthorProblems #books #writer #writerproblems
I use the Pomodoro Technique for work. Why am I only now considering it for my #AmWriting life? http://tomatotimers.com 📚🍅
#AuthorProblems #WritingCommunity
#writingcommunity #AuthorProblems #amwriting
A day off from the day job means more free time to be distracted from #writing. #WritingCommunity #AuthorProblems 📚
#AuthorProblems #writingcommunity #writing