Bringing Joy To Your Writing With Autistic Special Interests

Before I even knew I was autistic, I was including my special interests into my writing. Whether it was writing equestrian romances, especially those featuring predominantly English disciplines like sh

#AuthorWellness #autisticauthors #nerodivergentauthors #adhd #autism #autisticJoy #AutisticWriters #hyperfocus #SpecialInterests

Last updated 1 year ago

Once You Find Resilience You Need To Look Beyond It

Resilience. The ability to recover from or adapt to misfortune or change. It's been a buzzword for years, but especially gained traction in the initial weeks and months of the pandemic. As authors, we've been living resilience for years! Few other careers take so much of an

#authorcoaching #AuthorWellness #beyondresilience #bounceback #resilience

Last updated 1 year ago

Counteracting the Isolation of Being An Author

For most fiction novelists, and nonfiction researchers, writing has often been a solitary occupation. Images of writers rooms for television or teams of people working on comics may make it seem like a social gathering. And yet, even then the writers still must

#authorcoaching #AuthorWellness #mindsetmonday #writinglife #isolation #loneliness #writingalone

Last updated 1 year ago

Who is taking care of writers?

I'm on a mission to help writers care for themselves so they can refill their creative well. The question I'm asking today is this: who is taking care of the writers?

#AuthorWellness #writinglife #thewellauthor #wellness #writingwellness

Last updated 2 years ago