@Teri_Kanefield Thank you for all you do for democracy #prodemocracy. Also thanks for this great list, a reference for how to work against #authoritariangovernments #authoritarians https://terikanefield.com/things-to-do/
#authoritarians #AuthoritarianGovernments #PRODEMOCRACY
> Researchers studying challenges to #AuthoritarianGovernments have found that nonviolent movements are more successful than armed ones. What this means is that #NonviolentResistance is usually a better option than initiating a #CivilWar.
> There’s no mention that the failure of violence might incentivize a nonviolent strategy.
> “#ViolenceEntrepreneurs,” who push their groups towards using violence, can do this most easily by using #SocialMedia.
#nonviolence #socialmedia #ViolenceEntrepreneurs #civilwar #NonviolentResistance #AuthoritarianGovernments