RT @AutisticCoach_@twitter.com

Do you want to meet fellow late dx adults and learn more about yourself, your masks, your boundaries, your trauma of being in a NT world, & build community? My next group starts today & I'd love to have you join! theautisticcoach.as.me/decembe

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/AutisticCoach_/sta

#actuallyautistic #Autisic #AskingAutistics

Last updated 2 years ago

Do you want to meet fellow late dx adults and learn more about yourself, your masks, your boundaries, your trauma of being in a NT world, & build community? My next group starts today & I'd love to have you join! theautisticcoach.as.me/decembe

#actuallyautistic #Autisic #AskingAutistics

Last updated 2 years ago

🌊 Mal · @dyinglikeastar
67 followers · 56 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

So my special interest right now is the differences between autistic and non-autistic communication or more accurately, direct and indirect communication (ask/guess culture) and I'd really like to look into the origins/why indirect communication became the majority. But I don't really know where to begin. If anyone has suggestions or recommendations I would love to hear them!

#Autisic #SpecialInterest #research #Anthropolgy

Last updated 2 years ago

they_d_bugg · @they_d_bugg
61 followers · 178 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Three people are in a with no allistic individuals present. It is a frank, forward moving conversation. We get irritated openly. We acknowledge frustration and express gratitude for . We laugh, , , and use almost intuitively, along with our scripts that we smile and acknowledge from each other.

Enthusiastically exclaimed quote of the hour:

β€œIn our design, we can come up with rules for how colors play with each other!β€œ

I really love these meetings. I go in with stress which dissipates immediately and I leave feeling seen, connected, and inspired.

#Autisic #webdesign #meeting #labor #infodump #makeconnections #collaborativeproblemsolving #actuallyautistic #MeetingWhileAutistic #colortheory #design #designthinking #play

Last updated 2 years ago