RT @AutismSociety
It's time to educate ourselves about Autism and break down stereotypes. During #AutismAcceptanceMonth, let's learn, listen, and show empathy to those on the Autism spectrum. #TheConnectionIsYou https://bit.ly/3q6NUI7
#theconnectionisyou #AutismAcceptanceMonth
RT @CityUniLibrary
April is both the #AutismAcceptanceMonth as well as #StressAwarenessMonth.
Law Library have curated a collection of dedicated resources about neurodiversity, stress management and other #wellbeing topics. Find it behind the Help Desk - please stop by to have a look and borrow!📚
#AutismAcceptanceMonth #stressawarenessmonth #wellbeing
April is #AutismAcceptanceMonth, and we have some wonderful and inclusive books for children to enjoy and learn about autism.
We invite teachers and nonprofits that serve children in under-resourced communities to make an appointment to visit the #ChildrensBookProject to get free books celebrating #AutismAcceptance, or choose from thousands of other titles for ages 0-18!
Check out the link in bio to Give Books, Get Books, Donate, and Volunteer.
#LovetoRead #NorCalNonProfit #ChildrensBookProjectSF #Literacy #GiveBooks #KidsBooks #BooksForKeeps #BookTok #Literacy #GreatNonProfit #Donate #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BooksSaveLives
#AutismAcceptanceMonth #childrensbookproject #autismacceptance #lovetoread #norcalnonprofit #childrensbookprojectsf #literacy #givebooks #kidsbooks #booksforkeeps #Booktok #greatnonprofit #donate #weneeddiversebooks #bookssavelives
April is #AutismAcceptanceMonth so i expect all of you to be at your most autistic
also happy #TransDayOfVisiblity!!! :blobhaj_hearttrans:
#AutismAcceptanceMonth #TransDayOfVisiblity
RT @DeeNewtsoda@twitter.com
There has been a lot of research about autistics over the years, but this one really took the cake! 🍰
Find out what happened when researchers attempted to compare the moral compass of autistic and non-autistic people... (1/2)
#AutisticComicTakeover #AutismAcceptanceMonth
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DeeNewtsoda/status/1514965559410057219
#AutisticComicTakeover #AutismAcceptanceMonth
My #prideMonth #crowdfund is nearing it's end! https://gofund.me/75fdf383
Background: Blue's Clues used the queer trans BIPOC flag I designed in their pride month video, without credit, asking, or anything. Is pride month for #BIPOC? White/corporate pride definitely doesn't include the likes of me, a disabled Indigenous person.
Nickelodeon gets tehir accolades, while my family lost our single income for #autismAcceptanceMonth, naturally.
We have our home covered for this month, and we're hoping to raise a bit more to help cover medical bills! We have so many medical bills, and that's with health insurance that we'll be losing soon too...
If you can donate that'd be amazing. If you can boost, that'd be amazing!
#pridemonth #crowdfund #bipoc #AutismAcceptanceMonth #boost #transcrowdfund #disabilitycrowdfund
Odd as it sounds, as an ADHD, his videos have always appealed to me in some form. Probably because *the form itself* tracks with my own neuro style :P
RT @Sci_Phile@twitter.com
It’s #AutismAcceptanceMonth and so here is a very personal video that I’ve thought about making every week for the last five years: https://youtu.be/bgV26ol51UM
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Sci_Phile/status/1380551608845541382
RT @Sci_Phile@twitter.com
It’s #AutismAcceptanceMonth and so here is a very personal video that I’ve thought about making every week for the last five years: https://youtu.be/bgV26ol51UM
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Sci_Phile/status/1380551608845541382
RT from Bethney Taylor (@Bethneyxx)
Bright futures ahead for the Worcester community - with WCFC looking towards a more inclusive world for autistic people and their families 💙💙💙
Get in touch @WCFCWomen
#ActuallyAutistic #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AskingAutistics
@Autism @PaulaMc007 @worcscc
#ActuallyAutistic #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AskingAutistics
Autist:innen sind nicht "krank", Nicht-Autist:innen nicht "normal". Beides sind Wesenszüge, von denen einige lediglich häufiger vorkommen, daher werden Letztere oft als "neurotypisch" bezeichnet.
Sorgen wir dafür, dass unsere Gesellschaft für alle da ist!
RT from Leah Henderson, LMSW (@lbhendersonlmsw)
"The world would be pretty boring if we all sang the same song!" Oh my heart! ❤️❤️❤️
#AutismAwarenessWeek #AutismAcceptanceMonth #Autism #AutisticPrideMonth
[Video embedded in original tweet]
#AutismAwarenessWeek #AutismAcceptanceMonth #autism #AutisticPrideMonth