Luna :infinity_rainbow: · @Moondancer
123 followers · 559 posts · Server

Let's do a check. Please this for reach.

Do you think that people should be allowed to ?

#boost #poll #Autistic #trans #transition

Last updated 1 year ago

stray autistic pariah-cat · @obrerx
682 followers · 1765 posts · Server


To add another point about the history, for awhile on Twitter some began to use an alternate tag:

This was intended to correct the ambiguities of the tag, so that it was more clear that it wasn't about gatekeeping.

#actuallyautistic #Autistic #autism #autistics #allautistics

Last updated 1 year ago

stray autistic pariah-cat · @obrerx
681 followers · 1763 posts · Server


This is written to the community, as well as to the non-autistics among us. My apologies if this offends, I'm just trying to be informative to anyone and everyone about this topic.

I'm just gonna say to everyone that the "actuallyautistic" tag initially strikes many as gatekeeping or exclusionary. This happens *all the time*.

There's no way for anyone to know intuitively or by inference that it is actually intended to protect and include *all autistics*, whether self-self-assessed, professionally assessed, and regardless of so-called "levels" of autism.

At first glance, I think most people would interpret the tag, which says the tag users are "actually" autistic, as claiming authenticity and distancing themselves from the self-diagnosed in our community.

This is why this discussion arises so often. It's confusing. I've seen this come up constantly on twitter in years past. And it comes up here on Mastodon, too.

Of course, the history is that the often abusive and misinformed parents of autistic children were aggressively and hostilely invading into online discussions (especially on Twitter) among and between autistics, disagreeing and talking over us, talking down to us, arguing over their insistence of "severity" levels of autism, telling us we weren't autistic, that we're not qualified to discuss autism, that we don't represent autism, that we're frauds, assuming all of us are just pretending to be autistic, that we don't know what it's really like to be autistic, and in various ways and forms invalidating us.

These often were full-on attacks upon our community on Twitter. Some of these "autism parents" or "autism moms" made this a daily affair, acting as if "parent activists" who are out to set the world straight with their presumably "correct" perspective on all things involving autism.

Often their views were shockingly ablest, invalidating, erasing our voices, forcing outdated and ignorant misconceptions upon us.

So the tag was created to declare autistic-initiated discussions to be just for autistics (including self-diagnosed). Allistics could ask questions by using the tag, or if they entered an discussion they were expected to be respectful of autistic viewpoints.

It's actually a good idea to describe this history often, not just for autistics, but for all the well-meaning non-autistics who want to communicate with us.

Because... to repeat, the tag comes off as gatekeeping. It sounds as if intended to gate-keep. Any reasonable person might take it that way. And it is gatekeeping in the sense of giving non-autistics a warning to respect autistic spaces and discussions. But it isn't to keep out self-identified autistics.

#actuallyautistic #Autistic #autism #autist #autistics #AskingAutistics

Last updated 1 year ago

Josh Susser · @joshsusser
1031 followers · 2545 posts · Server

We need better words for talking about in ways that aren't pathological, clinical, or derisive. I don't think it's useful to try to think up neologisms on the spot, but I keep my eyes open for new terminology that might arise organically in conversation. Any new words folks are using that are worth sharing?

The word "neurodiversity" itself is kind of new, and it's already been through a bit of an evolution and maybe even has tainted origins, but it's a good word and there's a reason so many of us use it. But even so, I wish it didn't sound so medical. (The evolution I mention is that "neurodiverse" used to mean "not neurotypical", but now generally is used to mean all neurotypes including neurotypical. We use "neurodivergent" for "not neurotypical" now. Likewise "neurotypical" used to mean not autistic, but we say "allistic" for that now.)

A few hashtags that could use an upgrade:

#neurodiversity #adhd #ASD #autism #Autistic #neurodivergent #neurotypical

Last updated 1 year ago

If you're , or , then you may experience challenges with your executive functions - those brain processes that help you to function out there in the world.

Did you know that coaching is a conversational technology which can actually boost your executive functions?

My latest blog post explains 3 executive functions that coaching directly supports, and how this works.

#adhd #Autistic #AuDHD

Last updated 1 year ago

For Pete's Sake · @PeteLittle1970
309 followers · 61 posts · Server

So, a few weeks ago I found out my project assignment at work was coming to an end.

People without an active project are "put on the bench" as they put it and have to assign their timesheet hours to "between assignments".

This is not a bad place to be but nor is it a good place to inhabit. Not by a long chalk.

When you're on the bench you're "encouraged" to take whatever roles are available. Now these may be in your local office (we're a multinational and in the UK alone have many many offices from Wales, Scotland and all over England) I'm based in Surrey. However I have previously had to commute 3hrs to Reading (luckily only for a short period)

So I was eager (understatement) to find a new project locally. However the only one I could see was for a senior team leader position. I thought I didn't have a snowball's chance in hell (or a whelk's chance in a supernova) of getting it due to my side.

Had an interview yesterday and well... ...


I'm over the moon. When they asked about social skills (or more accurately, dealing with interpersonal conflicts) I did disclose my autism and they went a bit stony faced initially.

However I told them how I'd deal with the situation, explained how I manage my autism and that seemed to placate them.

It obviously worked as they offered me the position not 30 mins after the interview !!

I've always been a "code monkey" but at 53 I was looking for a new challenge. I can't believe after 28 years of development I'm finally heading into a more administrative position. I'll still be doing some coding but more steering and mentoring. This is quite a change for me.

I'm absolutely beside myself right now. Didn't think I stood a chance at all !!


Last updated 1 year ago

Josh Susser · @joshsusser
1027 followers · 2486 posts · Server

I just submitted a public comment to the for their October meeting, to give some feeback on how the report on the failed us.

> The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) is a [USA] Federal advisory committee that coordinates Federal efforts and provides advice to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on issues related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Through its inclusion of both Federal and public members, the IACC helps to ensure that a wide range of ideas and perspectives are represented and discussed in a public forum.

The next IACC meeting is Oct 11, and comments are due by Sept 28 if you feel so motivated:
ASAN has a nice guide for how to submit comments:

@actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy

I have read the recent report from the Surgeon General on "Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation", and was disappointed that the focus was on so-called "normal" people who are lonely because of circumstance or breakdown of social infrastructure. Autistic people are arguably far more affected by isolation and loneliness than most people, but somehow are entirely omitted from the report. This seems outrageous. We are so easy to exclude that we are left out from the report about people getting left out.

We know that applying Universal Design concepts to accessibility creates environments and systems that work better for everyone. Curb cuts allow wheelchair users access to sidewalks, but also improve things for people with baby strollers. We know that making things better for the most vulnerable and most impacted often makes things better for everyone. If we work to reduce loneliness specifically for Autistic people, it's quite likely that will help lonely people of all sorts. But leaving Autistic people out of the conversation means nothing will get better for us, because the things that help most people won't necessarily help us. Creating more ways to do social activities with strangers is not the benefit for us that it might be for allistic people. It might actually make things worse for us, by shifting resources to programs we can't use at the expense of things that might help us.

Autistic people are desperate for help and support, but we and our needs are repeatedly ignored, even by initiatives that should be prioritizing us. It is demoralizing to see a major initiative like the Epidemic of Loneliness exclude and fail us so completely.

#usgov #iacc #actuallyautistic #epidemicofloneliness #autism #Autistic

Last updated 1 year ago

Autistrain · @Autistrain
72 followers · 183 posts · Server

Thank you for sharing! It's a really good news for us.

I archived the paper if someone need it in the future.


@actuallyautistic @neurodiversity @autisticadvocacy

#actuallyautistic #Autistic

Last updated 1 year ago

Johnny Profane Âû · @johnnyprofane1
1274 followers · 444 posts · Server

For the growing community of folks & allies on ...

"Calm Down!" Why is this the WORST Advice You Can Give an Autistic Person?

I now publish all my articles, podcasts & artwork on too. Hit subscribe... let's keep in touch.

@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd

#Autistic #substack #actuallyautistic #adhd #AuDHD #AutisticAdults #autisticacceptance #neurodivergent

Last updated 1 year ago

Millenia of philosophy has tried and failed to encapsulate the human experience, yet autistics are expected to roll out a pithy and salient response on demand when asked by an NT what it’s like to be .


Last updated 1 year ago

Josh Susser · @joshsusser
1018 followers · 2429 posts · Server

I read that HHS report on the . I suppose it's good that the issue is getting some attention, but I was disappointed the report's focus was on "normal" people who are lonely because of circumstances and breakdown of social infrastructure. Disabled people are included in a few lists of groups getting the worst of things, but people aren't mentioned at all, unless you think the umbrella use of "mental health" counts. How ridiculous is that? We're left out of the report about people getting left out.

Is there a sign I can say "don't make me tap" about that explains how making societal changes to accommodate the people who need it most makes things better for everyone, but if you focus on making things better for the majority who already have it mostly OK you just make things worse overall?


#epidemicofloneliness #Autistic #actuallyautistic

Last updated 1 year ago

Johnny Profane Âû · @johnnyprofane1
1271 followers · 438 posts · Server


"Neurodivergent Kiss: Fairytale... or Fabulous Marriage?"

Updated text, new images including, "Under a Surreal Sun."

First podcast in 6 months. If you enjoy my work, please share it up! More to come this week...

WIth links to audio podcast and captioned YouTube to aid audio processing. Also includes new hi-res illustrations...

@actuallyautistic@a.gup.oe @actuallyadhd

#Autistic #actuallyautistic #adhd #AuDHD #AutisticAdults #LateDiagnosed #neurodivergent

Last updated 1 year ago

Well this is interesting! 🤔

😉 though, no thanks--no poo transplant for me; . 😂

(But if I could try another treatment which let me experience a non-autistic me for a limited period of time, to see what I thought? Yes, depending on the treatment & side effects or any lasting effects, I'd try that. Curious.)

#intheend #illkeepmyautism #autism #Autistic #actuallyautistic

Last updated 1 year ago

Brian_aTester · @BrianSeg
19 followers · 62 posts · Server

I have decided that someone using the phrase "I'm not autistic but..." is a pretty good indicator that someone is .


Last updated 1 year ago

Shiny Amygdala · @ShinyAmygdala
60 followers · 1070 posts · Server

Hello everyone,

I have a very important request for a dear friend.

This is the first time they've reached out for help: they're really struggling to survive as they wait for their application for disability benefits to be reviewed.

They been trying to sell art work and crystal collection, without much luck at all. They have no other income but this.

Any amount helps, and please do circulate this fundraiser, as the more it gets seen, the more chances of donations.

Here's where to send funds:

Cashapp is $Charlight
PayPal is @charbarley

Thank you so much for your help!

I've attached their work and a picture of their precious .

#MutualAid #collage #furbaby #queer #Autistic #disabled #community #fundraiser #LGBTQ #communitycare #ChronicIllness #artist #SocialSecurity #USA #covid #covid19

Last updated 1 year ago

Shiny Amygdala · @ShinyAmygdala
60 followers · 1066 posts · Server

Hello everyone,

I have a very important request for a friend of mine. This is the first time they've reached out for help-- they're really struggling to survive as they wait for their application for disability benefits to be reviewed.

They been trying to sell art work and crystal collection, without much luck at all. They have no other income but this.

Any amount helps, and please do circulate this fundraiser, as the more it gets seen, the more chances of donations.

Here's where to send funds:

Cashapp is $Charlight
PayPal is @charbarley

Thank you so much for your help!

I've attached images of their beautiful work and their precious .

#MutualAid #collage #furbaby #queer #Autistic #disabled #community #fundraiser #LGBTQ #communitycare #ChronicIllness #artist

Last updated 1 year ago

Autistrain · @Autistrain
58 followers · 124 posts · Server
Johnny Profane Âû · @johnnyprofane1
1270 followers · 436 posts · Server

& readers...

"Recent Artwork August 2023"

Headed in every different direction, everywhere, all to once...

🚨Content note: disturbing images, disturbing topics...

Images to all paid subscribers.
@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd



#medium #substack #actuallyautistic #adhd #AuDHD #Autistic #autism #AutisticLove

Last updated 1 year ago

Johnny Profane Âû · @johnnyprofane1
1270 followers · 434 posts · Server

"Recent Artwork August 2023"

Headed in every different direction, everywhere, all to once...

🚨Content note: disturbing images, disturbing topics...

Images to all paid subscribers.

#actuallyautistic #Autistic #adhd #AuDHD #autisticJoy #AutisticLove

Last updated 1 year ago