Support an #ActuallyAutistic elder who creates content for free.
Your tip helps me keep sharing my #AutisticJoy. As a thank-you, receive one of my art pieces, 40" movie-poster artwork file. 🙏
#actuallyautistic #autisticJoy #AutisticAdults #adhd #AutisticElder #AutisticPride
Archive Alert: Find your flow, embrace your personality & discover #AutisticJoy. Must-listen podcast from 🎙️💪
Transcript, other platforms
#autisticJoy #apple #spotify #AutisticPride #autisticandproud
Here is a piece we have been working on… that we started 23 years ago #AutisticPride #ActuallyAutistic merch available here:
#AutisticPride #actuallyautistic
Today is International Children's Book Day, World Autism Acceptance Day, and the birthday of my current Special Interest protagonist, Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875).
#InternationalChildrensBookDay #IBBY #WorldAutismAcceptanceDay #AutismAcceptanceDay #WAAD #HansChristianAndersen #Autistic #ActuallyAutistic #AutisticPride #WeirdPride #SpecialInterest #SpecialInterests #Authors #ScandinavianAuthors #DanishAuthors #RejectionSensitiveDysphoria #RSD
#internationalchildrensbookday #IBBY #worldautismacceptanceday #autismacceptanceday #waad #hanschristianandersen #autistic #actuallyautistic #AutisticPride #WeirdPride #SpecialInterest #specialinterests #authors #scandinavianauthors #danishauthors #rejectionsensitivedysphoria #rsd
There are so many hashtags for #AutismAcceptance / #AutismAwareness that I'm always a bit confused and overwhelmed. Awareness vs Acceptance, generic vs Day, Week, Month. And the Week starts in the month before the Month, and the Day isn't during the Week. Do we really need all this? Then there's the nascent move to #AutisticPride which isn't going anywhere yet but maybe someday. Who did this to us???
What's the optimal way to tag things here? Use them all at once? Pick one and hope for the best?
It was hard enough when it was just deciding among #ActuallyAutistic* vs #autistic or #autism. I think I want hashtag synonyms for explore/search, and synonym suggestions while composing a post.
* - the #ActuallyAutistic hashtag is for use only by actually autistic people to distinguish us from parents, partners, providers, and other autism-adjacent people.
#autismacceptance #autismawareness #AutisticPride #autismacceptanceday #autismacceptanceweek #autismacceptancemonth #autismawarenessday #autismawarenessweek #autismawarenessmonth #actuallyautistic #Autistic #autism
THIS year...
UN World Autism Acceptance Day is designed by the #Neurodivergent, for the #Neurodiverse, to CELEBRATE #Neurodiversity!
So excited to be on Autistic Art panel!
Below is a transcript of a part of what I said. They gave me a lot of freedom...
Hope you'll save the date.
Register FREE:
Q1 Please introduce yourself and your special contribution to your art form.
I'm Johnny Profane. At 70, I'm still a recovering class clown.
I bring this up cuz, there are dozens of teachers who confidently assured me I had no talent for topic sentences. Much less any sketching skills…
And that I would certainly never be sitting… nervously… on a UN panel discussing autism & art.
So my special contribution is my life story. Decades of crashing and burning… til a pro diagnosed me autistic at 63.
That shock… and the understanding, exploration and, ya know, relief?
Unleashed a tidal wave of joy and creativity in me… I'm still recovering from.
People like to hear that story… Especially autistic people… and, ya know, their parents.
👇5 more questions continue below...
@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
#ActuallyAutistic #Autism #AllAutistics #AutisticPride #AutisticAdults
#neurodivergent #neurodiverse #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #autism #allautistics #AutisticPride #AutisticAdults
From the laundry list of opinions they are inviting with their #autisticPride button:
There is an older woman, on the bus, who taps my button and tells me she has an autistic son. When I excitedly exclaim, “I’m autistic, too!” her eyes fix on mine. “No,” she corrects me. “You have the Asperburgers.”
Remi Yergeau, Authoring Autism (Duke University Press, 2018), 264.
It's not funny, because you know it's true.
#AutisticPride #actuallyautistic
We #ActuallyAutistic humans often tell ourselves that we aren’t worthy of love. We internalize this harmful and vicious lie due to the way our society, family, friends, teachers, coworkers etc have drilled this idea into our minds. You ARE worthy of love. When you love yourself you begin to unmask.
#actuallyautistic #AutisticPride
Yes! That's exactly why I bought it. If it said "I'm not weird, I'm just autistic" like most stuff like this does, I wouldn't have been into it at all. But change the position of just one word, and I'm basking in the glory of being *both*. 😁
@autisticompulsive @actuallyautistic nice! I like that it says 'I'm not just weird, I'm autistic' rather than trying to deny that the wearer is weird...
#weirdPride #autisticPride
@rekindled @Prof_Meowmers I have seen so many of these #CongratsOnTheAutism cakes and I STILL haven't had one for myself (or my family)!
I love them! 💗
And if you get one and you'd like to share it, please send it to me! I post them to my Instagram acc @autisticbookclub so everyone can see them!
#AutisticPride #ActuallyAutistic @actuallyautistic
#congratsontheautism #AutisticPride #actuallyautistic #autisticidentity
A new Autistic Pride Flag has suddenly appeared & it’s amazing
#AutisticPrideFlag #AutisticPride #UnitedKingdom #Advocacy #Autism
#AutisticPrideFlag #AutisticPride #UnitedKingdom #advocacy #autism
Neurodiversity Foundation hosts star-studded livestream of events to kickstart Autistic Pride 2021
#NeurodiversityFoundation #AutisticPride #UnitedKingdom #TjerkFeitsma #Netherlands #JudySinger #Pride
#NeurodiversityFoundation #AutisticPride #UnitedKingdom #TjerkFeitsma #netherlands #JudySinger #pride
Problem: Autistics are recognized neither by ableist employers nor the state as people in need of an income❌
Solution: Autistic Pride ✅
#ActuallyAutistic #AutisticPride #AutisticLivesMatter #Disability
#disability #AutisticLivesMatter #AutisticPride #actuallyautistic