What are my #ActuallyAutistic comrades reading/listening to this weekend?
#actuallyautistic #Autisticbookclub
I've been out of hospital for 7 days and in recovery.
There is pain (Oxy is my BF) recovery is currently slow, but I'm alive!
I will write a post about everything, to warn others about the importance of second and sometimes third opinions, and how they can save your life.
I am overjoyed to have a future to look forward to! 😄
So excited to do more for the #AutisticBookClub and also, personally I want to learn the violin! 🎻
#Autisticbookclub #actuallyautistic #lifeisgood
@JudeNunga @adelinej @jfriday @actuallyautistic
“Seeing The Unseen”
A documentary about Autistic Icelandic Women
I’ve never seen the documentary, the trailer was enough. It made me feel seen, and that I am not alone, and that there are others like me.
Even tho it says ‘women’ I think the emotion in this trailer is universally #Autistic
#autistic #actuallyautistic #Autisticbookclub
So I need to say a thing, it’s a happy thing.
I got my pathology results back yesterday, and my CT scan results back today (I’m in hospital) and:
I DON’T HAVE CANCER!!!!!!! 🎉🥳💗😆💛😁
I can’t stop crying, it feels like I’ve been given my life back!!
#ilovemyautisticcommunity #actuallyautistic #Autisticbookclub
Does an #Autistic #BIPOC #BookClub that is international & free sound good to you? 📚
All leaders & members will be from #BIPOC Communities & #ActuallyAutistic
The #Autizzy Book Club would have monthly zoom meets & read the same books as the #AutisticBookClub
(‘Autizzy Book Club’ is a place holder name, members can decide the final name!) 😄
DM me on Insta if interested or for more details 🌈 ♾️
#autistic #bipoc #bookclub #actuallyautistic #autizzy #Autisticbookclub #AutisticSupport #AutisticCommunity
Autistic Book Club meeting info - March 2023
At the #AutisticBookClub we are reading: 📚
‘The Sweetness of Water’ by Nathan Harris
Join us for the discussion:
- Sat, 4 Mar 2023
- 1pm & 8pm Au time
(Other timezones listed in 'Event info' on ‘Meetup’)
Join the Autistic Book Club via ‘Meetup’
- Link in my bio - monthly meetings - free
All members are #ActuallyAutistic
#BookLovers #Bibliophiles #Autistic #AutisticSupport
#Autisticbookclub #actuallyautistic #BookLovers #bibliophiles #autistic #AutisticSupport
@DavidTanner @Unatributed @libreture @bookstodon I've been using #GoodReads which is easy to use and I quite like, also so many detailed book reviews.
Then because I love all things #Fediverse I tried #BookWyrm but it felt a bit lonely, so am now trying #StoryGraph which is better IMO than BookWyrm but I think I'm going to stick with Goodreads.
#goodreads #fediverse #Bookwyrm #StoryGraph #autisticbibliophile #Autisticbookclub #bookstodon
At the #AutisticBookClub we are reading: 📚
‘The Reason I Jump’ by Naoki Higashida
Join us for the discussion:
- Sat, 4 Feb 2023
- 1pm & 8pm Melb. Australia time
(Many other timezones listed in the info for the event on ‘Meetup’)
Join the Autistic Book Club via ‘Meetup’
- Link in my bio
- We meet every month
- Membership & Meetings: free
- Everyone is #ActuallyAutistic
#BookLovers #Bibliophiles #Readers
#Autisticbookclub #actuallyautistic #BookLovers #bibliophiles #readers
@btaroli You’re now in the Book Club and once you’ve been admitted you can RSVP to events, which I see you’ve done ☺️
Yes, we have 2 Book Clubs today for ‘Project Hail Mary’. There’s a list of international times on each event so you can figure out which time works best for you!
We’ll be talking about the book but also Autistic friendships and the Autistic ‘sense of justice’.
See you there!
#BookClub #AutisticBookClub @bookstodon #bookstodon
#bookclub #Autisticbookclub #bookstodon
@loops @actuallyautistic I've always lived my life in 6-12 month blocks; it seems presumptuous to plan any further.
I do dream, but solid plans have always been within 6-12 months.
IMO I don't think the inherent curiosity within our community gels with one career.
My initial passion was IT, I was The #Linux Nerd, but then it paled and #Law became my new joy and I haven't tired of that, yet, but illness has sadly negated any further study.
Now my joy & passion is the #AutisticBookClub !
[have now begun and finished #naokiHigashida 's #theReasonIJump - i enjoyed it, and will be loaning it to my mother ]
[i would like to read it in japanese, and to read its sequel ]
#naokihigashida #thereasonijump #Autisticbookclub
[#canYouSeeMe #libbyScott #rebeccaWestcott ]
[i found this most relatable. the longer book is more fleshed out around its didactic sections about #autism, and to be fair i forgot what happened after the 'ending' surrounding rupert. that was it for me ]
[id love to hear from other autistic people whove read this what they think about 'tiger girl' - the protagonists adopting of a physical mask and persona, and the dichotomy between this physical mask and assimilative masking ]
#canyouseeme #libbyscott #rebeccawestcott #autism #Autisticbookclub
[#canYouSeeMe #libbyScott #rebeccaWestcott ]
[a longer read, a book less comforting and more didactic, but even though i feel like i 'know' a lot of what the book was trying to teach, there were enlightening sections. the young female #autistic protagonist is shown dealing with #demandAvoidance the whole way through, and the strains it puts on her family are shown, but never at the expense of making clear that the autistic person is distressed and hurt, and always trying ]
#canyouseeme #libbyscott #rebeccawestcott #autistic #demandavoidance #Autisticbookclub
[#aKindOfSpark #elleMcNicoll ]
[keedie and bonnie are so important ]
#akindofspark #ellemcnicoll #Autisticbookclub
[#aKindOfSpark #elleMcNicoll ]
[this was a short book, it had the potential to be an adults full read. but that is not what is. its short, comforting, it suffered from feeling repetitive as i read its cousin minutes before ]
[of the two i enjoyed its small town feeling, touching on subjects close to my heart. i would read a whole novel of the way an #autistic persons empathy and identity can mould itself to accept and be shaped by a new absorbing interest ]
#akindofspark #ellemcnicoll #autistic #Autisticbookclub
[one of the most related parts of #canYouSeeMe (scott & westcott) was the protagonists relation of #demandAvoidance. negotiating with the self, and outside parties, to navigate motivation, stress, and energy. #spoons, you might say. obviously i dont have an identical experience to this character, but i recognised many similarities between my own processes and past failures to demand avoidance in this character ]
#Autisticbookclub #canyouseeme #demandavoidance #spoons
[i had my own mini #autisticBookClub during my vacation, as my mum had these books on her shelf set aside for me. and me being me, i read them both during that evening ]
[two #actuallyAutistic young female protagonists, a three-legged dog called rupert and someone who might have been my friend too. at that age one of my prized books was a 19th century dictionary which of course i perused and used. and to this day you bet i stop and pick up worms from busy pavements ]
#Autisticbookclub #ActuallyAutistic
@britt @linenandspice There’s nothing like being in #AutisticCommunity for validation! 🌈♾
I’m so pleased you liked it!💗📚
#ActuallyAutistic #AutisticBookClub
#AutisticCommunity #actuallyautistic #Autisticbookclub
I have suggestions! We read the following titles at the #AutisticBookClub
1. A Kind of Spark - Elle McNicoll
2. Ten Steps to Nanette - Hannah Gadsby
3. But You Don’t Look Autistic At All - Bianca Toeps
4. Drama Queen - Sara Gibbs
We’ll be reading these in 2023
5. Stim; An Autistic Anthology edited by Lizzie Huxley-Jones
6. The Reason I Jump - Naoki Higashida
7. Letters to My Weird Sisters - Joanne Limburg
All of the above are by #AutisticAuthors 🙌🌈♾
#Autisticbookclub #AutisticAuthors #actuallyautistic
Are you an #ActuallyAutistic who loathes 'being sold to'?
Whenever I post about the #AutisticBookClub meetings I feel so conflicted, because I feel like I'm trying to 'sell' something (even tho everything to do with the #BookClub is free) it still feels awkward.
Which is why ads will be behind CW's in future, to minimise #Autistic discomfort, for those who feel like me, and don't want to be pushed to do something.
I'm not a brand, I'm a person and my aim is not to irritate.
#actuallyautistic #Autisticbookclub #bookclub #autistic