<strong>Historic digital rights win for Worker Info Exchange and the ADCU over Uber and Ola Cabs at Amsterdam Court of Appeal</strong>
In a series of historic and wide-ranging digital rights rulings, the Court of Appeals in Amsterdam h
#ADCU #automateddecisionmaking #digitalrights #GDPR #Olacabs #robo-firing #Uber #WorkerInfoExchange
#ADCU #AutomatedDecisionMaking #digitalrights #gdpr #olacabs #robo #uber #workerinfoexchange
Article in the Irish Independent today about my #algorithmic #defamation case against #LinkedIn with comments from @DaraghOBrien
You can paste the link in archive.org or archive.today to get past the paywall.
#privacy #automateddecisionmaking #adm #gdpr #ethics #ai #discrimination #law #lawsuit #socialmedia #litigation #deeplearning #ml #machinelearning #chillingeffect #fundamentalrights #humanrights #dataethics
#algorithmic #defamation #linkedin #privacy #AutomatedDecisionMaking #adm #gdpr #ethics #ai #discrimination #law #lawsuit #socialmedia #litigation #deeplearning #ml #machinelearning #chillingeffect #FundamentalRights #humanrights #dataethics
Just did an interview with the Irish Independent about my lawsuit against LinkedIn for algorithmic defamation and discrimination.
The story is expected to run on Sunday.
#privacy #ai #automateddecisionmaking #adm #gdpr #law #ethics #shadowbanning #defamation #discrimination #socialnetworks #dataprotection #fundamentalrights #humanrights #litigation
#privacy #ai #AutomatedDecisionMaking #adm #gdpr #law #ethics #shadowbanning #defamation #discrimination #socialNetworks #Dataprotection #FundamentalRights #humanrights #litigation
US & European politicians depict social scoring as a problem stemming from authoritarian regimes, yet #automateddecisionmaking is being rolled out en masse to rank and penalize people in the West as regards housing, jobs & basic services: https://mailchi.mp/technologyreview.com/rosl0n2x1m?e=d6a67e657b via @Melissahei@twitter.com
US & European politicians depict social scoring as a problem stemming from authoritarian regimes, yet #automateddecisionmaking is being rolled out en masse to rank and penalize people in the West as regards housing, jobs & basic services: https://mailchi.mp/technologyreview.com/rosl0n2x1m?e=d6a67e657b via @Melissahei@twitter.com
Let us pay more attention ..at least add more translations and discussion points.. to the Wikipedia page on #AutomatedDecisionMaking https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automated_decision-making
Hello! I am Maris and I work at University of Tartu. My research during PhD studies mostly focused on #datafication and #dataexperts #dataimaginaries. Currently I am more focused on projects which aim to understand how #AutomatedDecisionMaking is implemented public sector organisations and the implications it has. I am also working together with co-authors on a project related to #dataficationofEducation. But besides #research I have also love cats and travelling (especially Paris). #commodon.
#commodon #Research #dataficationofeducation #AutomatedDecisionMaking #dataimaginaries #dataexperts #datafication