I have been assessed as MEDIUM risk of committing crime in the future. Take @fairtrials quiz to see how police or criminal justice authorities could use data & AI to profile you. Ban predictive policing & justice systems in the #AIAct #AutomatedInjustice https://www.fairtrials.org/predictive-policing/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/karmel80/status/1622919336384929795
I have been assessed as MEDIUM risk of committing crime in the future. Take @fairtrials quiz to see how police or criminal justice authorities could use data & AI to profile you. Ban predictive policing & justice systems in the #AIAct #AutomatedInjustice https://www.fairtrials.org/predictive-policing/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ErnstCornelia/status/1620762376646852608
RT @fairtrials: “Imagine waking up one day with the police barging into your house after AI has flagged you as a suspect. Then it’s up to you to prove you’re innocent. It is you versus the computer.
This is dangerous, intrusive and disproportionate.” @kimvsparrentak #AutomatedInjustice
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/kimvsparrentak/status/1620392023907004416
RT @fairtrials: Will predictive systems profile YOU as a criminal? Take our quiz to see how police or criminal justice authorities could use data & AI to profile you.
Ban predictive policing & justice systems in the #AIAct! Share your result with #AutomatedInjustice.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ErnstCornelia/status/1620413928592523265
🇬🇧I have been assessed as MEDIUM risk of committing crime in the future according to @fairtrials.
We need to ban both #BiometricMassSurveillance and #predictivePolicing in the #AIAct! #AutomatedInjustice
Take the quiz: https://www.fairtrials.org/predictive-policing/?lang=de
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/echo_pbreyer/status/1620385519489384449
#BiometricMassSurveillance #PredictivePolicing #AIAct #AutomatedInjustice
🇩🇪Mein Risiko, eine Straftat zu begehen, ist laut @fairtrials-Quiz MITTEL.
Wir brauchen ein Verbot #biometrischerMassenüberwachung und von #predictivePolicing im #AIAct! #AutomatedInjustice
Zum Quiz: https://www.fairtrials.org/predictive-policing/?lang=de
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/echo_pbreyer/status/1620385516603723779
#biometrischerMassenüberwachung #PredictivePolicing #AIAct #AutomatedInjustice
Predictive policing & justice systems reinforce discrimination & undermine our fundamental rights. This is NOT what safety should look like.
Find your risk level, share your results & tell your MEP to ban these systems in the #AIAct #AutomatedInjustice https://www.fairtrials.org/predictive-policing/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BirgitSippelMEP/status/1620354961019404289
Will predictive systems profile YOU as a criminal?
Take @fairtrials quiz to see how police or criminal justice authorities could use data and AI to profile you. We must ban predictive policing & justice systems in the #AIAct! #AutomatedInjustice https://www.fairtrials.org/predictive-policing/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BirgitSippelMEP/status/1620354946406436865
RT @digitaaldenken: I have been assessed as HIGH risk of committing crime in the future. Take @fairtrials quiz to see how police or criminal justice authorities could use data & AI to profile you.
Ban predictive policing and justice systems in the #AIAct
#AutomatedInjustice https://www.fairtrials.org/predictive-policing/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/samiraraf/status/1620357599962210304