@openrisk@mastodon.green Thanks, that's one of the references I'd found earlier.
Another possible interpretation I'd had was at a personal level of having sovereignty over one's own data.
I've discussed that under a few terms, #AutonomyOfInformation #InformationAutonomy #CommunicationsAutonomy and #AutonomousCommunication (I keep using different terms and have trouble settling on one).
It mixes a set of factors, mostly in opposition to the monopoly elements of surveillance, censorship, propaganda, and manipulation. Those include:
Or as I'd put it in a comment to the link here:
#AutonomyOfInformation #InformationAutonomy #CommunicationsAutonomy #AutonomousCommunication
Which has primacy?
How do these differ?
What do they comprise of?
What conflicting or intersecting rights exist?
No, I’ve not defined terms. I have definitions in mind, but am also trialing language. The 2nd term is novel and appears not to be in significant use. I’m interested in seeing what others presume the meaning to be.
Boosts appreciated.
#freespeech #AutonomousCommunication