Nando161 · @nando161
886 followers · 38250 posts · Server

"If you have , then there is always a chance that you will do something to your that you will regret. This is not an argument for taking that autonomy away.

There is a much, much higher chance that who is not you will do something to your body that you regret."

#bodily #Autonomy #body #someone

Last updated 1 year ago

Augusto · @The_Augusto
114 followers · 281 posts · Server

I like to explain to children what I'm doing with and to them.

"Now we're putting on sunscreen. I know, you hate it. But if we don't do this, it'll hurt more."

These are babies. They can't understand. But it's a matter of principle--I'm going to explain to this human being, who is my equal, why I have to put the cream on their forehead. I would want someone to do the same for me if I didn't understand them.

#childcare #Autonomy #childrensrights

Last updated 1 year ago

Scott Campbell · @susurros
472 followers · 930 posts · Server

The autonomous Indigenous community of Santa María Ostula is on alert after a judge ordered the eviction of 700 hectares of land in Xayakalan, which the community reclaimed from organized crime in 2009.

"If this eviction were to be carried out, around 700 hectares of Xayakalan would be affected, where today families live, there is a school and various products are grown, where today there is peace and a dignified life."

#mexico #michoacan #ostula #xayakalan #indigenous #Autonomy

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
818 followers · 36548 posts · Server

arguments are not based in a defence of btw and one clear indication of this is how much anti vaxx hinges on the figure of The whom these people intend to 'protect' from and often other interventions---which is to say, a they view as totally lacking autonomy, bodily and otherwise, and whose medical decisions they intend to make unilaterally. anti vaxx arguments are complicated but if i had to say they're 'about' just one thing i would argue it's . that it sometimes wears the rhetoric of bodily autonomy, religious , &c doesn't change the that these positions are fuelled by a disregard for , , and young people's in , and by continually stoked fears that vaccines are a kind of black-box threatening to give The Child autism or other disabilities

#antivaxx #bodily #Autonomy #discourse #child #vaccination #public #health #person #ableism #freedom #fact #disabled #elderly #safety #society #technology

Last updated 1 year ago

Scott Campbell · @susurros
468 followers · 917 posts · Server

On Aug. 1, Lorenzo Froylán de la Cruz Ríos, a member of the communal guard of the autonomous Indigenous community of Santa María Ostula, was disappeared by the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. Yesterday his body was found.

The community blames not only the CJNG, but the National Guard and institutions of the state of Michoacán for their collusion with the CJNG.

#mexico #michoacan #ostula #indigenous #Autonomy

Last updated 1 year ago

· @NaturalNews
6128 followers · 30511 posts · Server
Nando161 · @nando161
585 followers · 28879 posts · Server

"With all the abusive saying "I bought that for you so I can take it away if you don't obey me", it can be tempting to say that should be allowed to so they can buy things themselves and not have to deal with that.

But in , it doesn't work that way.

Before were passed, parents often forced their children to have , and the parents got to keep any their children earned. So having jobs did not give children any more or from .

"I bought that for you" is just a bullshit . Parents still feel entitled to or their children's belongings even if their children bought it with money they earned. Abusive parents will always feel entitled to their children's . If an excuse they use stops working, they'll just another one."

#parents #children #work #practice #child #labor #laws #jobs #money #Autonomy #protection #abuse #Excuse #stealing #Destroying #obedience #invent

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
583 followers · 28827 posts · Server

"im a radical but you cant criticize any if i acknowledge it has minorities in it. and youth lib is enabling . and the is a necessary instiution. and should only be allowed if i agree with their . and we need to be on constant watch for stranger danger to shun. and the death penalty is only bad because i disagree with who my chooses to kill. and youre an insane retar-i mean mentally slow if youre anti psych or advocate for destigmatization of anything considered a symptom. and i couldnt possibly benefit from any part of the way society is currently structured. you hate if you think i should stop accusing minorities of sex when i disagree with them. and being discussed by anyone other than cafab women is misogyny. and class analysis forgets some are or minorities. and its a bit too far to propose we actually try to anything about society at all."

#leftist #country #molestation #family #people #bodily #Autonomy #choices #predators #publicly #government #person #minorities #crimes #gendered #oppression #millionaires #women #change

Last updated 1 year ago

schrockg · @schrockg
21 followers · 45 posts · Server

Level 4 autonomy in a drone system. With an intersting backstory that involes a sci-fi film. Exyn Technologies

#uas #uav #drones #surveying #geomatics #Autonomy

Last updated 2 years ago

· @cedar
290 followers · 572 posts · Server

One of the bases of for me is to be very critical of the impulse to make decisions. It's sometimes like no sooner do people get together than they feel the need to start deciding stuff, often starting with a group identity.

Make as few decisions as possible and making them in the smallest group of people that includes all of the affected possible. Let there be a multiplication of assemblies that are just for talk and for finding each other.

#Autonomy #Anarchist

Last updated 2 years ago

· @nominis
107 followers · 6 posts · Server

All anarchist theories of self-organization call for (in various ways and with different emphases):

- Individual and Group Autonomy with Free Initiative: The autonomous individual is the fundamental basis of all genuinely anarchistic theories of organization, for without the autonomous individual, any other level of autonomy is impossible. Freedom of initiative is likewise fundamental for both individuals and groups. With no higher powers comes the ability and necessity for all decisions to be made at their point of immediate impact. As a side note, post-structuralists or postmodernists who deny the existence of the autonomous anarchist individual most often mistake the valid critique of the metaphysical subject to imply that even the process of lived subjectivity is a complete fiction — a self-deluded perspective which would make social theory impossible and unnecessary.

- Free Association: Association is never free if it is forced. This means that people are free to associate with anyone in any combination they wish, and to dissociate or refuse association as well.

- Refusal of Political Authority, and thus of Ideology: The word “anarchy” literally means no rule or no ruler. No rule and no ruler both mean there is no political authority above people themselves, who can and should make all of their own decisions however they see fit. Most forms of ideology function to legitimate the authority of one or another elite or institution to make decisions for people, or else they serve to delegitimate people’s own decision-making for themselves.

- Small, Simple, Informal, Transparent and Temporary Organization: Most anarchists agree that small face-to-face groups allow the most complete participation with the least amount of unnecessary specialization. The most simply structured and least complex organizations leave the least opportunity for the development of hierarchy and bureaucracy. Informal organization is the most protean and most able to continually adapt itself to new conditions. Open and transparent organization is the most easily understood and controlled by its members. The longer organizations exist the more susceptible they usually become to the development of rigidity, specialization and eventually hierarchy. Organizations have life spans, and it is rare that any anarchist organization will be important enough that it should exist over generations.

- Decentralized, Federal Organization with Direct Decision-Making and Respect for Minorities: When they are necessary larger, more complex and formal organizations can only remain self-manageable by their participants if they are decentralized and federal. When face-to-face groups — with the possibility for full participation and convivial discussion and decision-making — become impossible due to size, the best course is to decentralize the organization with many smaller groups in a federal structure. Or when smaller groups need to organize with peer groups to better address larger-scale problems, free federation is preferred — with absolute self-determination at every level beginning with the base. As long as groups remain of manageable size, assemblies of all concerned must be able to directly make decisions according to whatever methods they find agreeable. However, minorities can never be forced into agreement with majorities on the basis of any fictitious conception of group sovereignty. Anarchy is not direct democracy, though anarchists may certainly choose to use democratic methods of decision-making when and where they wish. The only real respect for minority opinions involves accepting that minorities have the same powers as majorities, requiring negotiation and the greatest level of mutual agreement for stable, effective group decision-making.

In the end, the biggest difference is that anarchists advocate self-organization while leftists want to organize you. For leftists, the emphasis is always on recruiting to their organizations, so that you can adopt the role of a cadre serving their goals. They don’t want to see you adopt your own self-determined theory and activities because then you wouldn’t be allowing them to manipulate you. Anarchists want you to determine your own theory and activity and self-organize your activity with like-minded others. Leftists want to create ideological, strategic and tactical unity through “self-discipline” (your self-repression) when possible, or organizational discipline (threat of sanctions) when necessary. Either way, you are expected to give up your autonomy to follow their heteronomous path that has already been marked out for you.

#left #leftism #postleft #postleftism #anarchism #anarchy #organization #decentralization #Autonomy #selfdetermination

Last updated 2 years ago

Spencer Beswick · @spencerbeswick
375 followers · 202 posts · Server

What is a commune?

The commune centers two core components: an anti-individualistic collective bond and a concomitant radical transformation of everyday life. In liberal ideology, which is grounded in the capitalist marketplace, human community is reduced to unmoored individuals who are forever in competition. In the face of this atomization, communes are formed around the desire to carry out collective projects. Communes arise when we transform our relationships with each other and face the world together.

As the Invisible Committee defines it, “what constitutes the commune is the mutual oath sworn . . . to stand together as a body . . . a commune was a pact to face the world together. It meant relying on one’s own shared powers as the source of one’s freedom. What was aimed for in this case was not an entity; it was a qualitative bond, and a way of being in the world.” Communes construct community out of isolation and replace individualism with collective self-determination and well-being. They form when groups of individuals attempt to directly “communize” their lives (put them in common) and face the problems of the world together.

. . .

Communes often organize themselves around collective spaces. Most important, many squatters argue, is the kitchen, which operates “as the key ‘socio-spatial centre of the house.” Collectively running a kitchen makes several political interventions. First, it combats the gendered division of labor that relies on women to cook for men. Second, it connects food with community: collective meals establish a connection between people, as well as with the food they eat. Finally, “outside” political life is enhanced. As one squatter puts it, “politics assumes an entirely different relation to everyday life when last night’s meetings are discussed over breakfast. Not only is the movement’s progress accelerated, but truly important issues, ones which are lost in the shuffle when we live in isolation, are topics of immediate concern and action.”

. . .

Rather than orienting towards seizing and wielding power, networks of communes attempt to secede from power’s grasp and destitute its institutions. Secession does not mean establishing new borders but instead practicing communist forms of life and promoting counter-circulation between a growing archipelago of autonomous territories.

Read more in my article "Living Communism: Theory & Practice of Autonomy & Attack," out now in the new issue of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory

(And still available online free here:

#anarchism #communism #Autonomy #commune #history

Last updated 2 years ago

schrockg · @schrockg
19 followers · 40 posts · Server

No autonomous free-for-all on all roads and highways any time soon, but there are present day AV applications that can and are being implemented. There is a growing market for defined zone applications. How an autonomous vehicle solution provider has found success with a component and vehicle-agnostic approach.

#AutonomousVehicles #av #Autonomy #robotics #GNSS

Last updated 2 years ago

MondayNightIBD · @MondayNightIBD
103 followers · 520 posts · Server

RT @MondayNightIBD
@A_ChiplunkerMD @LoriPlung @SwapnaSpeaks @DrTonySquillaro @GalanteMD @ColleenWebbRD @SchwartzbergMD @Waseem_AhmedMD @Dr_PedGI @seanpattyp @kupffercell4 @Paulinunezfigue @ReicheWill 2️⃣
🆓 👉🏼

What characteristic of bowel anatomy in is best associated with achieving enteral (= being independent of parenteral nutrition support)

SB = small bowel
ICV = Ileocecal valve

#PostConvo #IBDPoll #MondayNightIBD #cme #shortbowelsyndrome #Autonomy

Last updated 2 years ago

MondayNightIBD · @MondayNightIBD
103 followers · 520 posts · Server

RT @MondayNightIBD
@A_ChiplunkerMD @LoriPlung @SwapnaSpeaks @DrTonySquillaro @GalanteMD @ColleenWebbRD @SchwartzbergMD @Waseem_AhmedMD @Dr_PedGI @seanpattyp @kupffercell4 @Paulinunezfigue @ReicheWill 2️⃣
🆓 👉🏼

What characteristic of bowel anatomy in is best associated with achieving enteral (= being independent of parenteral nutrition support)

SB = small bowel
ICV = Ileocecal valve

#PostConvo #IBDPoll #MondayNightIBD #cme #shortbowelsyndrome #Autonomy

Last updated 2 years ago

MondayNightIBD · @MondayNightIBD
103 followers · 520 posts · Server

RT @MondayNightIBD


What characteristic of bowel in is best associated with achieving enteral (= being independent of parenteral nutrition support)

(SB = small bowel
ICV = Ileocecal valve)

#PreConvo #ibdpoll2 #cme #anatomy #shortbowelsyndrome #Autonomy

Last updated 2 years ago

MondayNightIBD · @MondayNightIBD
103 followers · 520 posts · Server

RT @MondayNightIBD


What characteristic of bowel in is best associated with achieving enteral (= being independent of parenteral nutrition support)

(SB = small bowel
ICV = Ileocecal valve)

#PreConvo #ibdpoll2 #cme #anatomy #shortbowelsyndrome #Autonomy

Last updated 2 years ago

MondayNightIBD · @MondayNightIBD
103 followers · 520 posts · Server


What characteristic of bowel in is best associated with achieving enteral (= being independent of parenteral nutrition support)

(SB = small bowel
ICV = Ileocecal valve)

#PreConvo #ibdpoll2 #cme #anatomy #shortbowelsyndrome #Autonomy

Last updated 2 years ago

schrockg · @schrockg
19 followers · 38 posts · Server

Constuction automation: ustoppable, but more about many minor triumphs than major leaps. It's not just about autonomy... That will be great when it happens, but there is much being gained in the incremental steps of automation.

#constuction #digitalconstruction #aec #Autonomy

Last updated 2 years ago

schrockg · @schrockg
19 followers · 38 posts · Server

Constuction automation: ustoppable, but more about many minor triumphs than major leaps. It's not just about autonomy... That will be great when it happens, but there is much being gained in the incremental steps of automation.

#constuction #digitalconstruction #aec #Autonomy

Last updated 2 years ago