I’m sure I’ll look back fondly on #Autscape2022, but it ended on such a low note that it just compounded all my earlier negative feelings 😥
Some really cool talks at the last-minute #Autscape2022 session of lightning talks: the mycelial network, tea, plurality, hEDS and more 💜
A comment on Alicja Nocon’s talk today at #Autscape2022
‘Autistics are awesome! 🥰’
Another paper in the same area as Alicja Nocon’s research presented at #Autscape2022
(h/t @ferrous)
#RejectionSensitivity (#RSD) takes many forms for me, and can often be a clearly irrational response 😔
It has hit me hard a few times during #Autscape2022 because of
– having a flaky Zoom connection
– not being there in person
– not relating to something
– other people arguing
#RejectionSensitivity #rsd #Autscape2022
Just thinking about values as discussed at #Autscape2022
I really liked the suggestion that lower levels of honesty among allistic people might simply be due to them ranking honesty below another value, such as social intelligence
This made me think of #OptimalityTheory 😊
#Autscape2022 #OptimalityTheory
Reflecting on the theme, it is acknowledged that more needs to be done to include those with high support needs in Autscape
Everyone on the panel appreciating the community at #Autscape2022 and not feeling like an outsider
An audience member asks, how do we judge the responses to surveys when Autistic people may respond more honestly than their non-Autistic peers
(And deference to non-Autistic authority, e.g. parents of Autistic children, can lead to very wrong conclusions)
An excellent point made by an audience member at #Autscape2022 just now, and one that occurred to me before the conference: interdependence is normal
Martijn makes the point that while independence is as unrealistic for disabled people as for anyone else, it is often presented as a goal
Autonomy is a better word for what we should all have
Rounding off the joint in-person/online programme at #Autscape2022 (there’s a little more to come online), we have a panel on the conference’s Interdependence theme, with Martijn Dekker, Heta Pukki, Alicja Nocon and Saffron Baldoza
And now at #Autscape2022, Hetta Pukki is talking about global organisation of Autistic people in response to last year’s Lancet commission on autism, which was widely criticised by #ActuallyAutistic people
#Autscape2022 #actuallyautistic
Fascinating talk by Alicja Nocon just now at #Autscape2022 talking about her research into Autistic values, reflecting on the top 5 VIA value characteristics she found in Autistic people:
• honesty
• appreciation of beauty and excellence
• learning
• fairness
• kindness
A number of in-person participants at #Autscape2022 were inadvertently on camera just now (don’t think that was supposed to happen!)
It gave me chills to see that absolutely none of them were wearing any kind of face covering 😬
Sue’s talk at #Autscape2022 also talks a bit about the barriers to accessing healthcare that #Autistic people face, adding to and amplifying the points raised in yesterday’s talk
Great presentations this morning at #Autscape2022
First Erin Muladore on physical activity for older #Autistic adults very relevant to me! 🙃
And now Sue McCowan on Autistic doctors (‘changing healthcare from the inside’) – brilliant stuff being done by Autistic Doctors International 🥰
That was a really intense series of back-to-back presentations at #Autscape2022
I’ll probably limit myself to one more talk today, this evening’s talk on burnout by Carole Jean Whittington
Can’t help thinking about #intersectionality in this talk, in the light of the previous one at #Autscape2022
There are plenty of barriers to accessing health services even for white Autistics like me
#intersectionality #Autscape2022
Now at #Autscape2022 online we have a longer presentation (starting a little late)
Autistic speech and language therapist Emily Lees is talking about barriers to accessing healthcare:
• capitalism
• ableism
• privilege and power