What are the big problems? Domination, Climate
What scares you spitless?
Authoritarism (as an internal trait within us, and all it's consequence)
What gives you hope?
Struggle and solidarity
What have you changed your mind on? Not much I have to admit
What are you certain of though you cannot prove it?
Not much I have to admit
#Questions #BigProblems #Hope #Fear #ChangeMyMind #Certainty #AvailableForChildrensBirthdaysAndBarMitzvahs
#questions #bigproblems #hope #fear #changemymind #certainty #AvailableForChildrensBirthdaysAndBarMitzvahs
Boosts appreciated.
#Questions #BigProblems #Hope #Fear #ChangeMyMind #Certainty #AvailableForChildrensBirthdaysAndBarMitzvahs
#questions #bigproblems #hope #fear #changemymind #certainty #AvailableForChildrensBirthdaysAndBarMitzvahs