Lords of Creation was a multi-genre #TTRPG published by #AvalonHill in 1983. The game and boxed adventures that followed were written by #TomMoldvay
It isn't the greatest game system in the world, but it's such a joy. Where else could you face an adventure involving the Three Musketeers, Ghengis Khan, martians, Hercules, and robotic psycho-killers?
PCs that one day could build their own pocket dimensions? Yes, please.
I would so love to revive this game. New system, same joy 😁
#ttrpg #AvalonHill #tommoldvay
One of the things I find really weird about #Hasbro, especially having recently read about the TSR rivalry in Game Wizards by Jon Peterson, is their decision to rebrand #AvalonHill as a publisher of fantasy board games - the very thing they spent the 1970s disparaging. Who gains from branding #HeroQuest et al as Avalon Hill? It means nothing to newer customers and when they dig up and wave around the old AH corpse it presumably pisses off the grognards #Tabletop
#hasbro #AvalonHill #heroquest #tabletop
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